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Greece is a country in Southern Europe, bordering Turkey, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania. It is a member state of the European Union as well as the Schengen Agreement.

Flag of Greece Greece
Language: Greek
Capital: Athens
Population: 11,216,708
Currency: Euro (€) (EUR)
Hitchability: <rating country='gr' />
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<map lat='39.791654835253425' lng='21.46728515625' zoom='6' view='0' float='right' />

Contrary to belief, Greek drivers will rarely, if ever, ask for money. Because there are few motorways in Greece, the national roads become great havens of locals and long distance drivers pouring in from the south east to west and vice versa, up into the north. Greece can be a little slow because many Greeks seem to be afraid of Albanians. It's best not to ask too much about it as something close to racism and prejudice comes out. You can cross the border by foot!

Hitchhiker Jason thumbing in Greece, June 2008. His hips have seemingly turned inside out.

It is very hard to hitchhike using mainly petrol stations – it can cause long waits since they are a little off the motorway and quite small for Western criteria. Besides, you can barely find any in the northern parts of Greece. The best way to get lifts is to hitch right on the road (if it is not a motorway). It is not recommended to thumb on the motorways, although some hitchhikers do so anyway since the cars are going to stop most definitely, and the police can be liberal about it; however, it is at your own risk.

It would be smart not to mention Macedonia either – the Skopje issue might be emotional for many (older) Greeks.

In summer it can get very hot in Greece, so be careful that you don't get sunburned and carry plenty of water with you.


Number plates

The number plates of Greece consist usually of 3 letters (from which the first two letters represent a city) and a number. The plates are valid for the whole life of the vehicle even if its owner moves to an other town, so you can not be absolutely sure about where the vehicle is from.

Free camping

Free camping in Greece is not allowed, but fortunately, compared with the other Mediterranean EU countries, there are still a lot of of beaches where you can camp for free and without police problems. Police may fine you (150 euro) during the summer months (July and August are most probable), so it's best to ask other free campers when you arrive in a beach.

You can camp freely anywhere in the mountains, valleys, hills, river beds etc. Nobody is going to chase you. Anyway the law that forbids free camping was created due to economical reasons so that hotels, organised campgrounds and all kinds of tourist accommodation can flourish, which means that if you camp where there is no tourism nobody will come after you.


Getting away


  • 14 hours of autostop – the hitchhiking adventures of Georgi Kalendarov and Diljan Vulev, of Bulgaria, in Greece

