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Flag of Andorra Andorra
Language: Catalan
Capital: Andorra la Vella
Population: 71,822
Currency: Euro (€) (EUR)
Hitchability: <rating country='ad' />
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Andorra is a very small country in the Pyrenees, surrounded by France and Spain.

There are few roads and no motorways. To hitchhike onward it is necessary only to go to the end of the town, and passers-by can direct you. Andorrans are used to hitchhikers, as many of the South American workers here hitch to work and back. However this means that sometimes there is a bit of competition for good spots to thumb. That being said, bus stops and parking bays are plentiful enough that you can simply walk further down the road.

Street in Andorra.

The official language is Catalan but basically everybody speaks Spanish, a lot of people french and people will likely have a basic english level.The currency used is Euro.

It is a very safe place. Some pickpocket might exist in the big crowds during winter season but it is very rare.

Andorra La Vella and Escaldes (the main cities) can be difficult to hitchhike from, try to get away from the center and look from bus stops where drivers can easily park. Petrol stations can be useful too, pay attention to the car plates: gas is cheaper in Andorra so a lot of tourist fill their tank before leaving.

To hitch south towards Spain from Andorra La Vella, you can catch the L1 bus south towards Sant Julià de Lòria, the bus stops near a Total petrol/gas station, from which it is VERY easy to catch a ride south.

While Andorrans themselves are sympathetic to hitchhikers, you are much more likely to be picked up by someone of another nationality. Try to look as tidy as possible, nomads and backpackers are not so common and is narrow minded place.

Sigurdas hitch-hiking on the border Andorra/France.


Hitchhiking in

When using the A61 in France it's better to hitch a ride to the Péage gate's just before Toulouse, as there seems to be little trafic from Carcassonne to Andorra.

Hitchhiking out

There is only one main road in Andorra. Depending on which direction you can go to either France (North) or Spain (South). ‎GrooteR found the locals quite helpful for hitchhikers when thumbing, but the cars waited for (long distance towards France) didn't stop.

It's recommended to ask people at the petrol stations, gas is cheaper in Andorra and tourist tend to fill the tanks before leaving. If you are heading to France you can try north of Andorra la Vella but if can get at least to Canillo better because is where most of the french tourist usually stay. If you are heading south, towards Spain, your best chance is get to San Julia de Loria. Once there there is just one route towards Spain. A bit south San Julia there are a couple of malls ( River and Punt de trobada) where a lot of tourism stops. You might get a ride from there.

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