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Earth > Europe > Eastern Europe > Moldova > Transnistria

Transnistria is a disputed region in Eastern Europe. It declared independency in 1990, but it was never recognized as a sovereign country. Transnistria is located mostly in a strip between the Dniester River and Ukraine. Moldova is on the other side of the river Dniester but considers Transnistria as their own territory.

Flag of Transnistria Transnistria
Language: Moldovan, Russian, Ukrainian
Capital: Tiraspol
Population: 555,500
Currency: Transnistrian ruble
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Hitchhiking is common in Transnistria, it has similar conditions as in other places of former URSS. Thus you should not have problems on the road. As a precaution, still, would be recommended to avoid the policemen, if possible. Also, keep in mind that according to Transnsitrian rules you can not stay other the night there, and if you stay you have to go to register at the police section beforehand.

Legally stay in Transnistria

You have a limited numbet of hours to stay legally in Transnistriaa, around 8h, after which you have to leave the territory. You will get the time by which you have to leave written on your immigration ticket you will fill at the border check point. If you are not reminded about the time till which you have to leave - ask the border policemen about the time. If you are not aware of this - you could get problems when you are leaving Transnistria, if you leave later than the time allowed.

Crossing borders

  • From Ukraine: Coming from Odessa, you have to take care which border crossing to take when getting into Moldova. At Transnistrian border checkpoints you won't get an entry stamp for Moldova, which could cause lots of problems when leaving the country.

