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Earth > Americas > Caribbean > Anguilla
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Flag of Anguilla Anguilla
Language: English
Capital: The Valley
Population: 13,452 (2011)
Currency: ECD (East Caribbean Dollar) and more commonly the US Dollar (USD)
Hitchability: Extremely good
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Anguilla is a British overseas territory, located in the Caribbean, 8kms north of Saint Martin (French side). It is one of quietest places in the Caribbean, with beaches on the north coast that are continually shown on travel programs and horrible horrible rap videos. However if you've been in the Caribbean a while and want to get away somewhere quiet and hassle free, this is the place to be.

The capital 'The Valley' is easy to walk past thinking it's a couple of shops, but is a nice place to enjoy dinner. The BBQ (closest to the main road) has great Ribs (US$6), Chicken ($3), Fries ($2) and Garlic Bread ($1) and is very popular. The majority of foreigners working/living on the island come here in the evening.


Hitchhiking is incredibly easy and you'll probably even be offered lifts when you don't need them. If you get a (car) lift with one of the ferry captains, you might be offered a free ferry back to Saint Martin.

There is a ferry between Marigot on the French side of Saint Martin and Blowing Point (Anguilla).

Anguilla has a very heavy departure tax (for the Caribbean) if you are leaving permanently (US$25). So it's important that when you enter tell customs you are leaving permanently a few days or a week after you actually will, mentioning that at some point you'll be going back to Saint Martin (or wherever you may be flying) for just a day (the day you actually are going to leave) but returning to Anguilla the same day. This way you will only pay the temporary departure tax (US$8) when you leave for good as they will expect that you're coming back. If you told customs the date you are actually leaving on entry then you're out of luck unless you can convince them that you're coming back.