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Flag of Grenada Grenada
Language: English
Capital: St George's
Population: 90,739
Currency: East Carribean Dollar (XCD)
Hitchability: <rating country='gd' />
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<map lat="12.217353235896" lng="-61.599378740242" zoom="8" view="0" float="right" />
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Grenada is an island nation in the Caribbean located in a chain of islands called the Lesser Antilles.

Hitching is very easy in Grenada, sometimes you won't even have to signal for a ride and may be asked if you need a lift. Thumb or waving hand works well. Like most of the West Indies (except Barbados and St. Lucia) you'll get a ride before a bus comes by.

There is no real spot on the island, as hitchhiking work nicely everywhere. Grenadians drivers also stops anywhere and in the middle of the road, even if you plan some space for them to pull over.

hitchhiking boat

The best Marina is probably in Prickly Bay. Most of the boat stop there. You can also check in Port Louis Marina near St George's (though it is filled with Charters).

Every morning, there is a radio program on VHF for the yacht. If you find a radio, you can announce that you are looking for a boat. Every Thursday, lots of sailors goes a bar called Nirmods for a jam session. Many people that are anchoring near Hog Island goes there. Same thing on Sunday afternoon on Hog Island.