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22 years old hitchhiker from more places in Czech Republic. Hitchhiked in around 37 mostly European countries.

I prefer hitchhiking solo - it's much simpler, people are friendlier and more hospitable and I can have closer contact with drivers, sometimes I feel like psychologist - and with thumb rather than asking people - I like to wait for somebody who take me because he wants, it's worth it

There is no season for hitchhiking, every day is good enough. I've experienced temperatures from -25 to +44 °C but comfort more depends on humidity and wind so the worst was -8 in February 2012 near Genéve and maybe +30 in July 2012 at the coast around Turkey/Georgia border.

I don't use CS/BW for surfing, mostly sleep outdoor and sometimes drivers invite me home (yes it's nice to have a shower). I usually carry heavy backpack with some mountaineering equipment.

Hitchiking history

bold - first hitchhiking there; italics - only get in or through by hitching, didn't hitch in the country

I was at European hitchgatherings in Portugal, 2010 and in Slovakia, 2013; participated in 11-11-11 Hitchhiking contest Paris-Dakar and in Czech Hitchhiking Championship 2014 Prague-Gibraltar-Prague -> lost completely :D well perhaps racing and hitchhiking don't go along for me.

Actual hitchmap

Planned or actual trips/dreams

  • Armenia / Iran / Northern Iraq
  • South America

But at the moment kind of tired from longer trips and searching for my life's mission.

Records & statistics

  • Total distance: ~136.000 km from 2009 till September 2014 (±X.000 at Pilsen<->Prague route), 67.000 of that hitchhiked solo
  • Longest rides:
  • Worst hitchhiking:
    • Going out of Málaga (Stuck there more than one day twice!)
    • Going out of Lisbon (south)
    • Crossing Ukraine from Russia to Moldova, 700 km took 6 days (with one lucky day - 400 km)
  • Unusual rides:
    • Horses with cart twice - in Mali for 20-25 km and in Montenegro for ~1 km
    • Snowplow in Norway
    • Quite overloaded old Mercedes truck with 4 drivers (everybody could repair something) in Mali, + with my friend, 2 backpacks and wheel of the truck in the cabin I was quite destroyed after 200 km (10 hours)