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<map lat='45.7926' lng='24.15' zoom='12' view='3' />
Flag of Romania
County: Sibiu
Population: 154.892 (2002)
Major roads: None
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Sibiu is a city in Romania.

Hitching in and around

From Alba Iulia E 81

If you wish to continue east towards Braşov, you can take bus 11 from the western edge of the city to the eastbound hitchhiking point.

Hitchhiking out

North towards Mediaş, Sighişoara

Take the bus no. 117 direction OBI terminus. Get off at the last stop (you will see the big OBI). From there you can hitchhike, you are on Route 14.

Here's a link for the schedules of bus line 117. i suggest you take a look at it because this bus goes very rarely; 6x/day in the week and 2x/day at the week-end.

Erga hitchhiking to Bucharest

East towards Braşov, Bucureşti E 68

Option 1: Take bus 15 from the train station to the last stop, a shopping center with a huge Real supermarket and a large roundabout.

There are 2 common hitch spots, also used by locals. One is closer to the city, the other is right after the last roundabout. The first one is probably more common for locals.

If there are too many locals at the first location it's better to go to the second location.

It's probably good to also take shorter rides that take you to or beyond the point where road #1 to Braşov and the road #7 to Piteşti and Bucureşti split up.

Option 2: Take bus Line 1 to the last station (Opel 2 or Hornbach). There are 2 petrol stations close to the A1, a Petrol and further down the road a Mol (was closed on Sept 15th 2017). Between the two stations there is enough space next to the road to catch a ride in direction of Braşov or Bucureşti. To go to Braşov, you need to be dropped off at a big roundabout, where the A1 ends and continues in multiple directions afterwards. It's easy, as there is a Petrol station, Subway restaurant and a hotel. Go to the street behind the subway restaurant to continue in the direction of Braşov.

Northwest/West towards Alba Iulia, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, E 68 E 81 Template:A1

Take bus 12, 14 or 8 from the centre to Strada Henri Coandă, the last stop before the roundabout. The stop is named Sembraz. From the stop, walk to the roundabout at the end of the street. There's an industrial building with an open gate right on the roundabout. You can stand there, and cars coming from the south going on the highway will have good opportunity to pull over. It took me 5 minutes. It's not a very good spot, but hitchhiking west from Sibiu can be difficult.

Since the highway A1 was built people don't seem to use the other road passing the airport, so despite being counterintuitive people will enter the highway (E81) at the eastern part of the city, which later becomes A1 even when they go west. Trust me, don't try to hitchhike from the other spots.

If people are heading north to Cluj Napoca or Alba Lulia ask them to leave you at the first roundabout after they exit A1. It's a good spot to continue east from as they have plenty of space to pull over due to construction work

To go to Cluj Napoca follow the above guide and ask to be dropped off at the highway when the E81 goes under A1. It's the northern exit of Sebes, just south of the village Lancram. The roundabout is a good spot.

Trashwiki & Nomadwiki

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Romanian cities with more than 100.000 inhabitants

> 1.000.000: Bucureşti

300.000–500.000: Cluj-NapocaConstanţaIaşiTimişoara

100.000–300.000: AradBacăuBaia MareBotoşaniBrăilaBraşovBuzăuCraiovaDrobeta-Turnu SeverinGalaţiOradeaPiatra-NeamţPiteştiPloieştiRâmnicu VâlceaSatu MareSibiuSuceavaTârgu Mureş