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Earth > Europe > Western Europe > France > Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur > Bouches-du-Rhône > Aix-en-Provence
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Flag of France
State: Bouches-du-Rhône
Population: 142.800
Licence plate: 13
Major roads: A 8 A 51
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Aix-en-Provence (also Ais de Provença or Ais de Prouvènço) is a city in France.

Aix is beautiful city in the South of France, 30 km from Marseille. It is worth seeing for its architecture. There are few universities, so you can find here big population of students. Although locals seem to be very posh and snobbish, hitchhiking in this area is quite easy.

Hitchhiking Out

North/West towards Salon-de-Provence

Take the bus 3 to Val St Andre and get down at Tourelles stop. Walk to the roundabout and turn right. A few meters away is a Total petrol station, you can ask there. If not, keep going and turn left in the next roundabout and just before the on-ramp it a good place.

West and North towards Avignon, Montpellier, Barcelona, Lyon, also Marseille

Hitching spot

There is a very good hitchhiking spot at Pont de l'Arc (it is the name of the crossroad on A8 - La Provençale). It is 20 min walking from city center; very easy to find - just go down Avenue Brossolette till the motorway. Place yourself at the entrance to the motorway, there where pavement ends. You can try to hitch cars coming from your left and right, but for safety reasons better if you focus on cars arriving from your left.

There you can also find numerous hitchhikers' Traces.

East towards Nice, Cannes, Toulon and Italy

Pont de l'Arc at the end of Avenue Pierre Brossolette - just after the co-voiturage pull-in there are numerous points where the curb is lower - and got a lift within a few minutes. Traffic goes slowly there - the actual on-ramp down to the motorway is a bit sketchy for hitching, so best to hitch before it. Another plus about hitching before it is you can grab the traffic that will take the national route across, which also goes this way.

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French cities with more than 70.000 inhabitants

> 1.000.000: Paris

200.000–1.000.000: BordeauxLilleLyonMarseilleMontpellierNantesNiceRennesStrasbourgToulouse

100.000–200.000: Aix-en-ProvenceAmiensAngersBesançonBrestCaenClermont-FerrandDijonGrenobleLe HavreLe MansLimogesMetzMulhouseNancyNîmesOrléansPerpignanReimsRouenSaint-ÉtienneToulonTours

70.000–100.000: AjaccioAntibesAvignonBéziersBourgesCalaisCannesDunkirkFort-de-FranceLa RochelleMamoudzouPauPoitiersRoubaixSaint-Denis (Réunion)Saint-NazaireSaint-PaulTourcoingVersailles

If you search cities with less than 70.000 inhabitants, have a look at the seperate Région articles. You find them at the bottom of this page.

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