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Top tips

376 bytes added, 14:38, 30 April 2015
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Drivers pick up hitchhikers for lots of different reasons: some because they are genuinely helpful, many because they once hitched themselves, some because they think you might be fun/interesting to talk with. On the chance that they want to interact with you, it is great if you can meet them there in a friendly engaged place. Some hints on how to start conversations are listed under [[etiquette|hitching etiquette]]. Also talking with drivers is the one of the best ways to get longer rides or better drop off places.
Have a list of open questions ready: 'Where have you come from today? How long have you been driving trucks? What made you decide to buy this car?' If the driver is reticent it may be that they're still wondering if they've made the right decision in picking you up. Don't be afraid to say a simple 'Thanks for picking me up, it's kind of you.'then going quiet, waiting for them to indicate whether they want to talk. Some drivers are just shy humanists.
Don't underestimate the energy this requires if you do long distances, ''for one of the biggest troubles hitchhiking is having to talk to innumerable people, make them feel that they didn't make a mistake picking you up, even entertain them almost, all of which is a great strain when you're going all the way and don't plan to sleep in hotels'' (Jack Kerouac, On The Road).
== Work with the weather ==