Project 888
Project 888
( Home - News - Sign up - Meetings - Cities - Workshops - Press - Help - Evaluation )
- The gathering was a great success, and next year will see a sequel to it: 789.
- Check out the post-888 newsletter
- Fill in your 888-Evaluation
- Read the reports from participants / Write your own
- 8/8/8 over 150 hitchhikers arrived; and more are still on their way
- 7/8/8 It's happening! 20 hitchers arrived 1 day ahead of time. Just imagine 8/8/8
Hitchhike to Paris on 888, August 8th, 2008...08/08/2008...888
On the 8th of August over a hundred people (and counting) will join up to hitchhike to Paris from different places around Europe and further. Join this event with fellow hitchhikers, for an amazing adventure and a great weekend in Paris. Show up, and sign up for this event and help organising it.

We welcome the Paris community to host us hitchhikers, coming to Paris on 888. Please come to Champs de Mars here and join in to welcome us!
We will gather in front of the Eiffel Tower, at this exact location: from anytime during the day until around 23:00 (or later even maybe). We are still calling for adventurous hosts from Paris to show up and spontaneously host all of us - but you might want to bring your tent!
The 888 Project seeks to ask you to hitchhike from all corners of Europe and beyond (whether from Belfast, Istanbul, Helsinki or Lisbon) to arrive at the Eiffel Tower - this world-renowned French lighthouse - in Paris on 888, August 8th, 2008. Participate in the first European Hitchhiking Week and Day and take part in the open space day on Saturday: "How to live a nomad-life", on hitchhiking, sustainable travel and hospitality exchange, with games, workshops, skill-sharing and knowledge exchange.
- Participate to make the first European Hitchhiking Week a success!
- Get hitchhiking recognized as a real means of transportation!
- Inspire other people to hitchhike!
- Have drivers pick up hitchhikers!
- Share your skills with others and inspire!
Things to do:
- Organise a local Project 888 Meeting in your country or city to team up with hitchhikers. Use an invitation, and adapt it to your local context, organise a location (your home, your host's home, a local bar, etc), invite other people through your favourite hospitality exchange community, etc, and add your meeting.
- Translate the press-release and spread it.
- Help organising events in Paris:
- read this e-mail
- Find a nice open spot for the Saturday where we can meet and exchange workshops
- Think of what you would like to learn and share on Saturday during the Open Space day
Check the Project 888/Volunteer pages for coordination and to see how you can help making 888 a success !
- Design/ read the latest newsletters
The Program

Here's the program so far:
- Meeting under/ in front of the Eiffel Tower until late (you know how we will look like), here
- Meet, exchange stories and play Games
- Move to a camp-ground or host.
- Open-Space Day starting at 11:00. Theme: "How to live a nomad-life". On hitchhiking, sustainable travel and hospitality exchange, with games, workshops, skill-sharing and knowledge exchange. Place yet to be determined, possibly here, same place as the Friday meet-up.
- Brunch starting at 1pm at Parc des Buttes de Chaumond (?), or same place as the Friday meet-up?
These 'speeches'/ workshops will form an integral part of the open space day on Saturday (in progress).
- The Organizers
Once the European hitchhikers will have arrived, the organizers will address the hitchhikers.
- Hitchhiking
This address will be followed by the speech of Ludovic Hubler (a Frenchman who has just come back from a five-year hitchhiking journey around the world. During his trip, Ludovic organized conferences in more than 200 schools, met a large number of NGOs and organized some international events to create a network between them.
- The Sustainable Side of the Project
A French association called Nature Propre supports the project The association aims at promoting sustainable development through a certain number of programs and the 888 project is one of the key projects of Nature Propre. Guillaume Mouton and Thomas Chretiennot will deliver a speech about the substainable side attached to the project.
The checkpoint cities
We are hitching from different locations, see here an overview of the Project 888/Cities, categorized according to distance from Paris. In some of the cities we hold Project 888/Meetings in the week towards the 8th of August.
Sign up in the cities you depart form or arrive. You can use the Project 888/Cities-page. We also discuss different routes.
Paris 8 8 8- The Film
Early August 2008. Radek, Pascal, Martin and Lily
embarked on a hitchhiking adventure to Paris. One common goal united them:
to arrive under the Eiffel Tower on August 8th to be part of the first European
Hitchhiking Week.
Martin, [the Suit] decided to dress up to increase his chances from Copenhagen. Radek, [the Philosopher] opted for starting from Spanish country roads to embrace mother nature and escape the smells of large motorways. Pascal, [the all worked out Quebequois], resolved to hitch rides all the way from Asia to make it a little bit more interesting. Lily, [the first-timer] hoped she would not become the prey of some ill-intentioned male counterparts .
How to hitchhike out of Paris?
Check the page about Paris to find spots to leave the city.
Alternative resources:
- Hitchbase
- Bernd Wechner
- Bug Europe
- Routard
Sign Up Now
Contact Us Now
Please feel free to contact us if you wish to bring your help to the project:
Fabrice Renucci- renucci.fabrice [at] +(33)678627985
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