A post-card is a short message that you send someone. Think of your driver, your hitchhiker, a friend, family, your host, someone you met on the road, etc. Feel also free to upload actual postcards or add photos.
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Hey hey hey! I'm finally back in Porto!
I spent the night (Saturday) and the following day in a small town near Erlangen, Germany to visit my friend Lea , who I met in Marrakech. It was her 21st birthday. She's maybe taller than Kasper. She traveled all of West Africa mostly-solo. Kinda amazing. It was good to see her.
I spent a lot of time on the road after that, hitching back to Porto. Mostly ok. I can handle most situations now. I went through France all by night, except the last sliver of Basque country in the following day (yesterday), where I met a filmmaker near Biarritz, who let me take a shower and eat some quinoa and bio (from the garden) tomatoes and peppers for an early lunch. Then I got some very nice, very concerned Portuguese camioneros who took me to Portugal.
Amylin, October 15 2008
I woke up with itchy feet and decided I needed to see something new...but I wanted to be back by evening. I chose a small city two and a half hours away, Karlskrona (Sweden). My morning ride went off without a hitch, so to speak - premiering my new dry-erase board (20 Swedish crowns), I scored a ride directly there (!) out of Lund in less than five minutes with a former bodybuilder eager to regale me with tales of his great American roadtrip in vivid detail. When he stopped @ McD's, insisting it was his treat, I admitted to being vegan, but he wouldn't relent, so I ordered a salad with vinaigrette dressing. Karlskrona had a small archipelago, lots of sea birds, and a great thrift shop, so I was happy.
Erinmack, October 5 2008
After the cops went and laughed at me:"Nobody's gonna take you, hahaha". I just thought that one single car is enough to take me out from this place. In a tiny village near Amberg, I waited less than one hour. A Czech driver took me for a 1800km ride: Barcelona! Sometimes hitch hiking is so easy. For 2 days, we listened good music, spending good times together. Hitchhiking isn't only a means of transportation, it is also a means to friendship. When I left his car, I was just... somewhere else. Gone again...
Jem, September 18th 2008
Hitchhiking was easy today, got a ride from the Liftersplaats in A'dam directly to Muiden service station. The guys who picked me up went to Rotterdam but were so friendly to drive a detour :), from there to Amersfoort-Noord, bad spot but got a ride in a VW Kaefer directly to Voorthuizen, there hitched to service station Lucasgat, got a ride by the worst smelling truck ever to Hengelo servicestation, and from there directly a ride from a Danish guy going all the way to Norway!! (grrr, missed chance!) 3,5 hours, no problem. Thanks for Friday night,guess I'll visit A'dam again soon :)
Ralf, September 15th 2008
Yeah 3 rides! Some German musician folk who speak Dutch with each other, 2 Romanian fellas who say they where going to Dortmund, and drove quite near Hannover which was odd because they changed their mind regarding onsome phone calls. Chatting with my friend Justin here, he reckons they where most probably involved in moving girls around, they where kinda dodgy. And also a super nice German family who live about 30 ks away but yep u guessed - it drove me to the door, yeah it's just how I pictured traveling when I was a younger.
James, September 14th 2008
The trip went great! But I'm actually not that sure about the spot at the bus lane. I think there was hardly anyone driving in our direction. After about 1 hour however a very cool former hitchhiker stopped for us and brought us to the next petrol station even though it wasn't his direction either. After that it was no problem to get to Bremen. The next day hitchhiking out of Bremen was the most difficult part, it was like a cultural shock suddenly facing all these ignorant or disgusted glances from the German drivers. So different from France & Netherlands, kinda sad. Thanks again for taking us in! Without you it probably would have been wild camping & a grumpy Sandra
Kai, September 3rd 2008
. My hitch to Berlin was o.k., took me 2 fucking day though, lol. didn't even make it to Germany the first
day, slept in the bushes. but had a great ride from 2 hippies from Austria driving their bus around Europe. I camped with them the first night, they didn't want to cross the border with all the hash they had so we had to stop and smoke it all, and had a nice campfire on which we roasted bread doe on sticks. very nice friends, they gave me their contacts to stay with them in the country side of Austria. So have fun man, I'll see ya when I am back in A'dam. rock n roll.
Shaun, August 27th 2008