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Hitchgathering is the name of a series of international hitchhiking gatherings held in Europe and Americas since 2008.
Hitchgathering 2018 somewhere in Europe, early August.
Organizing the event
- All communications about the gathering happen on the email list ([email protected]) and in the Facebook group
- If you are not on the list, register in hitchgathering.org or directly through the listserver
- Feel free to edit the wiki page for Hitchgathering 2025 in Europe.
- upload your pictures from past gatherings to a webservice like wetransfer or dropbox and sent the link to [email protected]. You can also sent him stories and the like and he'll add it to the website!
- Is there space for 100-200 persons?
- Can we acquire drinking water somewhere nearby?
- Are there possibilities to dumpster dive or is food cheap?
- How easy/difficult is it to reach the place?
- How secluded is the place?
- Can we just stay at the place or does it belong to somebody, do we need a permission?
- Can we dig shit pits there?
- Can YOU be there to help organizing in the beginning?
- What else is important?
Early August, typically at first weekend. People will arrive some days earlier and many stay for like 1-2 weeks. New people keep coming and going during these two weeks. Festival sort of fades in and fades out, most busiest days having over 100 people at once.
Each year somebody suggests if the main event could be moved to June/July. Each time we come again to same conclusion: early August is the most optimal for all the students/working people to have a hitching trip. There will be smaller pre- and post-gatherings happening all the summer.
Past events
- Project-888, European Hitchhiking Gathering in Paris, France on August 8, 2008.
- 789-Festival, European Hitchhiking Gathering in Odesa, Ukraine on August 7, 2009.
- 6810 Hitchgathering, European Hitchhiking Gathering in Sines, Portugal on August 6, 2010.
- North-American Hitchgathering in Boulder, Colorado on August 21, 2010.
- North American Gathering 2011
- 5-8-11 in Kara Dere, Bulgaria on August 5 2011
- Hitchgathering 4-8-12 was held in Lithuania
- Hitchgathering 5-8-13 was held in Slovakia.
- Hitchgathering 2-8-14 took place in Albania, with big pre-gatherings in Norway and Finland and smaller ones along the way.
- Hitchgathering 2015 in France.
- Hitchgathering 2016 in Norway
Future events
- Hitchgathering 2017 in Portugal, Germany and Ukraine.
- Hitchgathering 2018 somewhere in Europe.