The 2013 edition of Hitchgathering takes place on 5 August 2013 (5-8-13) and continues approximately for a week or as long as people want to stay together. Post here your location proposals.
Location Proposals
Example location
Write an overview here. Include exact location with coordinates (e.g. 42.892231,27.899687)
Include pictures if you want.
SeedCamp / Organizers
Team of people who are ready to travel in this location and take responsibility on the ground before others arrive:
- Name | contact details | special contribution/interests
- List the good sides that speak for arranging the Hitchgathering in this location
- List the hindrances for organizing the gathering here
- Other people can comment in this section
Things to do after the location is decided
In deciding the location, forget about democracy. If the location sounds good to most people and there are willing organizers, go for it! The earlier we know the location the better.
City, country
Other meetings, events
Make a map. Example from last year: see map.
To Do
- Tell your friends
- Tell hitchhikers you meet on the road
- Write cardboards with hitchgathering.org, the place and date (and maybe more) and place them at popular hitchhiking spots ... be creative and use your colorful markers!
- Draw your own flyers :)
- Spread the word around hitchhiking clubs and websites in your country/your language
- Post on your hitchhiking / travel / nomad blog or website about the gathering
- Tell your favorite hitchhiking / travel / nomad blog author to write about it
- Organize a pre-meeting (can be early like May/June/July to raise attention and connect people)
- Translate a ready-made article in your local language and offer it to newspapers
Website work
Ready made articles
Find in the link below some material to help you talk to the media entities and stuff like that.
Old articles
Suggest in the forum.
Things to do:
- Update main website: HitchGathering.org
- Create a Facebook event.
- Create marketing threads in suitable Couchsurfing groups such as these:
- Remind people about the gathering on these threads every now and then.
- Create Couchsurfing activity/event.
- Create an announcement in BeWelcome forum. Example from last year: Announcement
- Bump it up every now and then.
- Use Twitter if you know how.
- hashtag could be #hitchgathering
- Send direct invitations to national hitchhiking clubs
- Suggest where to go after the Hitchgathering
City, country
Photos from last year's gathering in Lithuania
This article is missing geo information. Ideally done with a <map> tag, alternatively use this template. It could also be that the article is including a template which has missing geo information.