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European HH week.JPG

2008 : The 888 project On 08/08/08 , hitchhikers from all over the world converged to Paris, for the first european hitchiking week.

2009 : The project. On '07/08/09, Hitchikers meet again in Odessa in Ukraine, Eastern Europe .

2010 : Let's choose a new destination ! Helsinki ? Moscou ? Where ever you want Just propose here :

  • Kaunas, Lithuania
    • + Keliaivis hitchiking club is operating there
    • + Cheap country
    • - Russian people need a visa
  • Chişinău, Moldova
    • + Cheap country
    • + Russians don't need any visa
    • - No HH club

Please feel free to add your ideas and help organizing the 2nd hitchhiking European week.

Make sure to visit to connect to other Frankensteins and get the latest 789 gossip.



At the pre-meeting on the last day of 888, there was consensus on the fact that the event is more to promote the concept of Hitch-hiking rather than to all meet up somewhere and have a good time. This is why the proposal of meeting outside a city was ruled out: we want to be seen by strangers. We need to pick a place where many people can come without visas and where we have a local organizer.


Odessa, Ukraine.

Other Continents

Some of us will be stuck across vast oceans, without the time, resources, or simply ability to hitch/travel to wherever the final destination for 7/8/9 is. The thought of a second gathering (in this particular case, North America) has been brought up. Should this be kept within the same discussion as 7/8/9, or moved to a totally separate event?

I heard rumors that some people are planning a brother/sister- whatever meeting in the states on 7/8/9. But take care, it's not 8/7/9, or the other way around. Let's say, 7 August, 2008. --Platschi 18:02, 27 January 2009 (UTC)
I guess you mean 7.August 2009 Fabzgy 09:36, 28 January 2009 (UTC)
I am aware of the date difference, I wasn't quite sure how to address that in the States...But it will get figured out along with everything else Stove 31 January 2009
Organisers from the Elba Meeting in Ukraine prefer the 999 see discussion


The two main concerns raised at the 888-last-day-meeting were:

  • Female HH safety in the country of arrival and in the "impossible to go around" countries.
  • The necessity of having a local coordinator/ support.
Graphic for 789 by amylin.