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Earth > Europe > Northern Europe > Scandinavia > Finland > Vaasa
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Vaasa (or Vasa in Swedish) is a city on the west coast of Finland. It is home to 60,435 people (as of January 2012) and three universities. There is a ferry to Umeå, Sweden from Vaasa run by RG Line. Current prices for the ferry can be found on the RG Line website.

At the market square in the city centre a small tourist office is located, where free maps are available. The office is located in a small house in the middle of the square and is open daily till 18:00.

Two blocks north-east from the market square you can find Vaasa´s main library, which has plenty of computers that are free to use, don´t require an account to log in and can be used without limitation. Printing out pages is possible for a fee of EUR 0.40 per page. The library is opened daily until 19:00.

A small amusement park, Wasalandia, and a small waterpark, Tropiclandia, are within walking distance of the city centre on the island Vaskiluoto. The parks are small and overpriced for what they offer. On the same island you can find Topcamping. However, the island has several beautiful, quiet meadows near the amusement park where a tent can be pitched free of charge.

Just south of the city highways run south, towards Tampere, Helsinki or cities along the west coast.

External links

Finnish cities with more than 20.000 inhabitants

> 500.000: Helsinki

100.000-500.000: TampereEspooVantaaTurkuJyväskyläOuluLahtiKuopio

50.000-100.000: PoriSeinäjokiHämeenlinnaRovaniemiVaasaLappeenrantaKouvolaKotkaSalo

20.000-50.000: MikkeliPorvooKokkolaHyvinkääNurmijärviLohjaRaumaJärvenpääKajaaniTuusulaKirkkonummiKeravaNokiaKaarinaYlöjärviKangasalaRaseborgRiihimäkiImatraVihtiSavonlinnaSastamalaRaisioVarkausJämsäKemiRaaheTornioIisalmiHollolaHaminaSiilinjärviValkeakoskiLempääläÄänekoskiHeinolaMäntsälä

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