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<map lat='60.982571' lng='25.661641' zoom='12' view='0' float='right' height='350' width='400'/> Lahti is a city in Finland.

Hitchhiking out

North towards Jyväskylä  12   04  E 75 and North-East towards Mikkeli  12   04  E 75  05 

There are two bus stops on Mannerheiminkatu (road 12) between Vesijärvenkatu/Uudenmaankatu and Iso-Paavolankatu, as marked on the map. The first of which is a better location to hitchhike from due to it being close to a junction where cars will be travelling at a slower speed.

South towards Helsinki  12   04  E 75

There are two bus stops on Mannerheiminkatu (road 12) between Vesijärvenkatu/Uudenmaankatu and Iso-Paavolankatu, as marked on the map. The first of which is a better location to hitchhike from due to it being close to a junction where cars will be travelling at a slower speed.

There is another bus stop with good visibility on Mannerheiminkatu (road 12) just West of Hollolankatu/Helsingintie, as marked on the map.

West towards Hämeenlinna  12   10  and North-West towards Tampere  12 

There are several bus stops along Mannerheiminkatu (road 12) which are suitable as hitchhiking spots. They are just West of Hollolankatu/Helsingintie, Vesijärvenkatu/Uudenmaankatu, and Iso-Paavolankatu, all as marked on the map.

Finnish cities with more than 20.000 inhabitants

> 500.000: Helsinki

100.000-500.000: TampereEspooVantaaTurkuJyväskyläOuluLahtiKuopio

50.000-100.000: PoriSeinäjokiHämeenlinnaRovaniemiVaasaLappeenrantaKouvolaKotkaSalo

20.000-50.000: MikkeliPorvooKokkolaHyvinkääNurmijärviLohjaRaumaJärvenpääKajaaniTuusulaKirkkonummiKeravaNokiaKaarinaYlöjärviKangasalaRaseborgRiihimäkiImatraVihtiSavonlinnaSastamalaRaisioVarkausJämsäKemiRaaheTornioIisalmiHollolaHaminaSiilinjärviValkeakoskiLempääläÄänekoskiHeinolaMäntsälä