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Wisconsin is a state of the United States of America. It is a very difficult state to catch rides in. It's located in the north-central U.S, and its capital is Madison, while its largest city is Milwaukee. Wisconsin can be very cold in the winter, so clothes that would keep you warm are recommended.

It's smart to use truck stops and on ramps to hitch.


346.29 When standing or loitering in roadway or highway prohibited.

(1) No person shall be on a roadway for the purpose of soliciting a ride from the operator of any vehicle other than a public passenger vehicle.

346.02 Applicability of chapter.

(8) Applicability to pedestrian ways
(a) All of the applicable provisions of this chapter pertaining to highways, streets, alleys, roadways, and sidewalks also apply to pedestrian ways. A pedestrian way means a walk designated for the use of pedestrian travel

Important Note This could be interpreted to mean that hitchhiking from sidewalks is illegal!

Because Wisconsin does not seem to provide an official definition of roadway in their statutes, it is advisable to only hitchhike from the grass beside a road and avoid shoulders and sidewalks.


The police don't seem to mind hitchers, but Wisconsin is among the worst states for getting picked up in my experience.Thewindandrain 20:11, 13 September 2012 (CEST)

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