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Revision as of 23:56, 23 September 2008 by Robino (talk | contribs)
European HH week.JPG
European HH week.JPG

The 888 project was a success. Let's make it look ridiculous compared to the 2009 edition. On 07/08/09, hitchhikers from all over the world will converge on a location that is kept secret up to now (because we haven't decided yet). This page will be used to coordinate the organisers until the month of October. Then we'll make something more informational or attractive.



789 planning written on the back of a hitchhiking sign

At the pre-meeting on the last day of 888, there was consensus on the fact that the event is more to promote the concept of Hitch-hiking rather than to all meet up somewhere and have a good time. This is why the proposal of meeting outside a city was ruled out: we want to be seen by strangers. We need to pick a place where many people can come without visas and where we have a local organizer.

Please feel free to add your ideas and help organizing the 2nd hitchhiking European week.


<map lat='49.38237278700955' lng='27.59765625' zoom='3' view='3' float='right' />Please add whatever city you think is a good idea and explain why. You can see a map with most locations added here

At the meeting on the last day of 888, the general consensus was that the location had to move East, after Paris. If possible outside of the 15 original EU member-states. Ukraine was given a lot of attention because it is the only country in Europe where Schengen Zone Europeans, Ukrainians, Moldovans, Bielorussians, Russians and Turks can come together (though it is hard for hitchhikers from outside Europe to get a visa, they generally need an invitation letter).

Kosovo was also given a lot of attention for that matter but also because we have a great local correspondent there and it can be a great opportunity for us to promote peace and hitchhiking in a region that needs such action.

Any location within the Schengen space will make it close to impossible for the non-Schengen people to join. Plus the price of life will be affordable for almost everyone.


[Voting is open for everyone who wants to participate! You can vote on our new forum. The deadline is December 2008. You can vote by either login with your hitchwiki details, or by creating a new account on the forum.

Suggested cities:

The list is quite long now. I suppose an argumented debate should take place on a descent forum, if only we had one...

Well guess what!? Here it is! A decent forum!

Top suggestions

Where are those fucking hicthhikers!?! (Ukranian Soldiers in Odessa beach)


Ukraine is getting a lot of attention right now because it seems it is the only country in Europe where any other European can go without much visa-issue. Check out the discussion

Kamenica, Kosovo

What is the visa situation for Serbia and Kosovo? In any case, I suppose that Russians wouldn't come because of the countries they'd need to cross - Sitarane 00:55, 17 September 2008 (CEST)

  • +: We have a great contact there that can find us a space and get us the media.
  • +: Would be a really cool challenge.
  • +: Hitchhiking for peace! up up
  • +: We can create a humanity mission, like everybody come with one toy for childrens
  • +: The big Hammam (Hamami i Mahd), built in 1470, 15 domes, but no mix male female
  • -: The border crossing is a bit difficult / event may become slightly political
  • -: Hitchhiking in Montenegro... forget it (unless you give money) [is it? Jason and his friend managed it easily and extremely fast in May, 2008]. Also Serbia is quite hard [since when? The only problem seems to be wild camping because of the goddamn mines!].
Please, mines were cleared years ago. People are camping all over Serbia now. For HH around Serbia, please check out this detailed HH guide to Serbia.-- 11:57, 16 September 2008 (CEST)
Yeah if fabrice and Pascale didn't get a ride there, this isn't the reason, In 2007, it was good to hitchhike alone in Serbia to go to Bulgaria, very good people there. We just have to find them and have good spots to don't stay 20 hours... MiSha 10:53, 28 August 2008 (CEST)
  • -: 11 205 hab in Kamenica, why not Pristina, for much attention ? MiSha 10:53, 28 August 2008 (CEST)
because we do not a have a great local correspondant there. The local correspondant in Kamonica knows all the networks so no need to go to Pristina.
If he knows all the network, why he still in Kamenica ?! It's just 25km away from Pristina, a city more attractive for promote hitchhiking MiSha 10:54, 28 August 2008 (CEST)

Krakow (Cracow), Pologne

  • +: In the centre of EU -good access from every Euro country
  • +: Big grassy open space next to the Old Town to make a meeting
  • +: Places to get a full dinner for 2-4 euro
  • -: Shengen space. Tough visa for Russians, Bellarussians, Turkish, Yougoslavians
  • -: It's strictly forbidden to drink alcohol in public spaces!
  • -: polish police is usually unkind, so better to have everything legal, in Krakow - touristic capital of Poland - they might not be interested in having banch of dirty hhikers...


Lausanne, Switzerland

  • +: best place for camping, direct on the Lake
  • +: huge hospex-network and engaged people living there
  • +: central in Western Europe but also easy to reach from Eastern Europe
  • -: expensive country, but good for juggling ;)
  • -: not a big city to call attention for hitchhiking

Copenhagen, Denmark

  • +: The more beautiful girls of Europe !!!Misha

Now come on! Sitarane

  • +: one of the 888 organizer lives there (good network)
  • -: expensive place
  • -: Schengen space. Tough visa for Russians, Belarusians, Turkish, Yougoslavians

Riga, LV

  • +: Central in the Baltics, which is an epicentre of European hitch-hiking.
  • +: Open WIFI in the whole town. Now THAT's an advanced country!
  • -: Do we need to promote hitchhiking where it is already on good way?
  • -: Shengen space. Tough visa for Russians, Bellarussians, Turkish, Yougoslavians

Hamburg, GER

  • +: We have a volunteer there
  • +: Central within Schengen
  • -: Shengen space. Tough visa for Russians, Bellarussians, Turkish, Yougoslavians

Barcelona, SP

  • +: Spain definitely needs some education about Hitch-hiking/easy to get free food
  • +: Beaches to camp on, lots of squats.
  • -: Shengen space. Tough visa for Russians, Bellarussians, Turkish, Yougoslavians
  • +: Spain is notorious for its poor hitchhiking hospitality. It would be incredible to promote hitchhiking here for future hitchhikers.

Utrecht, NL

  • +: Netherland is the country that has reserved official HHing spots. Let's reward them by trashing one of their parks with empty beer bottles
  • +: Quite central, easy hitch from anywhere really.
  • -: Shengen space. Tough visa for Russians, Bellarussians, Turkish, Yougoslavians

Bratislava, SK

  • +: Not very touristic but very well known, we might get an official autorisation (it's also possible to get one for all the town...)
  • -: Shengen space. Tough visa for Russians, Bellarussians, Turkish, Yougoslavians

Torino, IT

  • +: Italy definitely needs some education about Hitch-hiking.
  • -: very difficult place for hitch-hiking
  • -: Shengen space. Tough visa for Russians, Bellarussians, Turkish, Yougoslavians

Munich, GER

  • +: Central within Schengen
  • -: Shengen space. Tough visa for Russians, Bellarussians, Turkish, Yougoslavians

Brno, CZ

  • +: friendly, active, cultural city - great potential/not much expensive
  • -: Not very well known
  • -: Schengen space. Tough visa for Russians, Bellarussians, Turkish, Yougoslavians

Lubjana, SL

  • +: free internet access in city + metelkova mesto
  • -: Schengen space. Tough visa for Russians, Bellarussians, Turkish, Yougoslavians. Becoming a very touristic place

Reikjavik, ICE

  • +: Hey, why not?
  • -: Hard to reach by hitchhiking
  • -: Schengen space. Tough visa for Russians, Bellarussians, Turkish, Yougoslavians

Cabo de St Vincente, POR

  • +: The challenge: It is "the end of the road" in Europe. The westernmost point. / Nice beaches.
  • +: The beach !
  • -: Schengen space. Tough visa for Russians, Bellarussians, Turkish, Yougoslavians


The two main concerns raised at the 888-last-day-meeting were:

  • Female HH safety in the country of arrival and in the "impossible to go around" countries.
  • The necessity of having a local coordinator/ support.


Coordination with the people there

I have posted on the CS "Ukraine" group. Check it out.

Coordination with the HH clubs

We have to build a coordination with some partners, like the clubs of hitch-hikers in europe and maybe more ! everyone can ask to a club near from his place.

  • Ukrainian hitch-hiking club "Mainroad"
    • Web Site
    • Are they interested to participate :
    • Newsletter sent to :
  • Trans Europ Stop (Fr)
    • Web Site
    • Are they interested to participate : Maybe
    • Coordination : MiSha, help me for other french association
    • Newsletter sent to : all the staff
  • Academy Of Free Travels
    • Web Site
    • Are they interested to participate :
    • Newsletter sent to :
  • Moscow Hitch-hiking School
    • Web Site
    • Are they interested to participate :
    • Newsletter sent to :
  • Saint Petersburg Guild of Hitch-hiking Masters
    • Web Site
    • Are they interested to participate :
    • Newsletter sent to :
  • Saint Petersburg autostop league (RUS)
    • Web Site
    • Are they interested to participate :
    • Newsletter sent to :
  • Saint Petersburg's extreme travels team (Russia)
    • Web Site
    • Are they interested to participate :
    • Newsletter sent to :
  • Moscow club eXtreme trip
    • Web Site
    • Are they interested to participate :
    • Newsletter sent to :
  • Barnaul Autostop League
    • Web Site
    • Are they interested to participate :
    • Newsletter sent to :
  • Latvian Hitch-hiking Club "E67"
    • Site.
    • Are they interested to participate :
    • Newsletter sent to :
  • Utrecht (The Netherlands) Hitchhiking Club BOC
    • Site
    • Are they interested to participate :
    • Newsletter sent to :
  • Vilnius Hitch-hiking club (Lithuania)