Hitchwiki:Add a new page

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Adding a new page at Hitchwiki is easy. You can create a link to not yet existing pages in relevant articles (such as country or region articles) by adding square brackets around the name of the place, such as [[Name of the Place]].

You don't need to worry about formatting or spelling. Quite a few people regularly check Hitchwiki's most recent changes at least once a week and they'll be very happy to see you new addition - and they will consequently edit and make it look more like other articles on Hitchwiki.

There is however some standard to style new articles. See Style Guide for some advice. You can also use infoboxes for cities. See Magdeburg (one of the excellent articles) or copy this template:

'''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''' is a [small|big] city in [[Country]].

{{Infobox Location
|country = 
|map = <map lat='' lng='' zoom='10' view='3' /> <!-- To find out coordinates, try osm.org?q=City and click on 'Share' (the square with an arrow on the right) -->
|state = 
|pop = <!-- see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City -->
|plate = 
|motorways = 

== Hitching in ==

== Hitching out ==
===To the North, [[City A]], [[City B]]===
====Option 1====
====Option 2====
===South, [[City C]]===

== Resources ==

{{IsIn|Country or region}}

Same goes for countries, like Turkey:

{{Infobox Country
|country = Turkey
|language = Turkish
|map = <map lat='' lng='' zoom='5' view='0' width='450' height='250' country=''/>
|capital = [[Ankara]]
|pop = 71,158,647
|currency = New Turkish Lira (TRY)
|hitch = <rating country='tr' />
|hitchbase = 196
|avp = turkey
'''Country'' 'is an hitchhiking-[un]friendly country ...

== Climate ==
== License plates ==
== Regions  ==
== Cities ==
== Language ==
== Hitchability ==
== Safety ==
== Personal experiences ==
== Resources ==


{{IsIn|Western Asia}}

<!-- Language links -->

Info on visa, food, accommodation, internet access or interesting places is best added to Nomadwiki (via the form).

Hitchwiki - we love participation
( Why this wiki - How we want to keep this wiki - Why we work on this wiki - How to participate - Hitchwiki needs you - Add a new page )