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World > Middle East > Syria > Aleppo
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Flag of Syria
State: Aleppo Governorate
Population: 1,671,673
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Aleppo, or better known as Haleb (Arabic: حلب‎ ) is the second-biggest city of Syria, located in the north of the country.

Hitching within the city

Hitchhiking within the city is quite easy, just pull out your thumb and cars will stop for you immediately to help you and give you a ride if possible. Hitchhiking with four persons is no problem, even hitching a ride with eight people on pickup trucks is possible within minutes. You only have to handle with the thousand of cabs riding within the city, but this should be no problem.

Hitchhiking out

Towards all directions

Whereever you want to hitch in Syria, an excellent spot to start is near the train station. From the station, walk some meters down the Baghdad Street until the first crossing (where the big park begins). There just go right into the Uthman Bacha Street for around 800 meters until the first crossing with big traffic lights. Here, walk right again down under the bridge. This is the Al Malek Faysal Street. Just behind the bridge you can search yourself a place to stand and try to hitchhike a ride northwards up the road. Just follow the road for going north, if you want to travel towards the east, south or west, get out at the big roundabout at the end of town (see map). It's around 4 km from the spot until the roundabout appears. Don't get confused with the smaller roundabout before, make sure you really leave the town. On the last roundabout you'll find a sort of big cube in the middle of it.

Road South from Aleppo


  • Free WiFi spot: Walk down Baghdad Street from the train station towards the park. Keep yourself walking on the left side of the street for around 500 meters, there the hotel appears on the left corner. Platschi thinks it was called Palace Hotel, but he's not sure. Just go in, order a tea and go surfing if you have your laptop with you.
Flag of Syria.png Syrian cities

Major cities: AleppoDamascusHamaHomsLatakia

Minor cities: Al-HasakahAl-RaqqahAs-SuwaydaDaraaDeir ez-ZorIdlibTadmor (Palmyra)