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Slovenia is a country in Eastern Europe. Hitchhiking used to be more common here in the past, but today people seem to be more afraid of hitchhikers. But still, it is quite popular. From the capital, Ljubljana, it is possible to easily hitchhike to the north (Maribor, Austria), to the east (Croatia, Zagreb) and to the South (Postojna, Italy). It is the best to use highways entrances, and to hold a sign marking your destination. Hitchhiking in the rural areas is even easier, and a ride can be found even in the smallest roads.

Cities and their car plate's signs

  • Ljubljana, the capital – “LJ”
  • Maribor – “MB”
  • Koper – “KP”
  • Krsko – “KK”
  • Kranj (Bled and Bohinj direction) – “KR”
  • Postojna – “PO”
  • Slovenj Gradec – “SG”
  • Murska Sobota (Hungary direction) – “MS”
  • Nova Gorica (Italy direction) – “GO”
  • Novo Mesto – “NM”

Border Crossings

Sometimes drivers are not that friendly and they don't wish to take you abroad, sometimes they even leave you just before the border crossing. But don't worry! If you are going to Italy (Trieste, Venice), your best option is to hitchhike till the border city (Sezana) and from there take a bus (€1.90) or a train (Don't buy a ticket, just hop in, it's 10 min.) till the Italian village of Villa Opicina. From there you can take plenty of buses to Trst (Trieste) and continue to Venice.

If you are going to Zagreb, and you were not lucky enough to get a direct ride, try to get to a city called Brezice. From there take either a bus or a local train to the border village called Dobova, from which there is every two hours a cheap local train to Zagreb (€1.50).