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Hitchhiking is very common in Israel. Hitchhiking is often done by pointing to the ground with the hand far from the body, instead of raising a thumb. But possibly raising a thumb will be understood as well. Hitchhiking in Israel is usually done without a sign, since stopping in almost all junctions is possible. An exception for this is the new Road 6, in which stopping in only possible on on-ramps and petrol stations.

Flag of Israel Israel
Language: Hebrew (official), Arabic (official), Russian and English most commonly used foreign languages
Capital: Jerusalem
Population: 7,900,117 (2008 est.)
Currency: New Israeli Sheqel (NIS)
Hitchability: Good.png (good)
More info: AVP Free Encyclopedia (Russian)
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Tmoon hitching in Israel

The most usual way to start an hitchhiking journey is to take a bus out of town, to a junction in your direction. Almost every junction has a hitchhiking spot (the famous Trempiyada), or at least a bus station where drivers can stop. Many drivers stop in such a place simply to drop or pick up people, not for picking you up - approaching them can still pay off well though, as often they will pick you up anyway. guaka's wild guesstimate is about 20% of the time, definitely worth the walk, the gesture and the smile.

In some places, like Tel Aviv, it's very hard to hitchhike from the city, and inter-urban buses are relatively cheap and can get you to the nearest junction. However, in Jerusalem it is possible to hitchhike to the suburbs from within the city, a practice used extensivly among religious Jewish kids.


Like always, precaution is needed when hitchhiking, although in Israel hitchhiking is a way of life. You will find hitchhikers everywhere. Even still, caution is necessary.

You should remember that as a country in a sub-tropical region, it can get very hot in Israel, sometimes as early as March and as late as September. If you can, before hitchhiking check the predicted weather in the region of your travel, and if it's going to be hot, don't ignore it. Exposing yourself to heat without caution can be dangerous. In hot days, wear a hat and drink a lot of fluids, especially if hitchhiking in the desert. Suncream and sunglasses are also recommended.

Cities and locations

See also

Politics of hitchhiking in Israel

It's common to get rides from Arabs and from religious Jews. So it's wise to avoid talking politics unless you really know your ways and who you're talking to. Many Arabs don't speak English, in which case it's actually okay to approach them in Hebrew.

Close to Arab villages it's unlikely men will pick up a girl or even a boy and a girl hitchhiking. Either their wife is sitting next to them or someone of the closely knit network of the village is driving behind them. In such cases it makes a lot of sense to try to find out of the previous or next junction has different traffic (e.g. predominantly Jewish or from Arab villages further away) and to move on or back there.

Hitchhiking inside the West Bank comes with its own special intricacies.


In Israel people work on Sundays so you'll be fine, but Shabbat is a horrible 24 hours for hitchhiking there since religious people are not driving at all (and they're usually quite skilled at picking up hitchhikers). Note that Shabbat starts on Friday when the Sun sets and ends at sunset on Saturday. Friday night, a few hours before sunset and Saturday night, immediately after sunset, are both EXCELLENT times to hitchhike! Many people drive from rural areas to the "center" of the country, urban Tel Aviv or Jerusalem due to visiting family for the Shabbat (Jewish sabbath).

Crossing borders

Note: Israel shares borders with these countries; however, due to hostile relations between the states, it is illegal and probably impossible to cross over to Syria or Lebanon; Getting into Palestinian territory in the West Bank is quite straight forward, usually flashing your passport in the checkpoint is enough. Getting to Gaza should be problematic. Egypt and Jordan should be fine.

To Egypt

After Israeli forces closed down the Rafah border crossing, Taba is the only border crossing for passengers from Israel to Egypt. It is situated 5km south of Eilat, and is accessible by public transport from both directions. There are almost no cars passing the border, everyone does it by foot. Notice that if you plan to continue after Sinai, to Cairo for instance, you most likely need an Egyptian visa which is obtainable in the embassy in Tel Aviv or in Eilat. Bring with you 4 passport photos, 100 NIS and a photocopy of your passport. It takes around 4 hours for Western citizens.

To Syria and Lebanon

Not possible. You can't enter Syria or Lebanon coming from Israel (or with a passport that shows that you've been in Israel, even with just a stamp from a border crossing to Egypt or Jordan). It is also not possible to enter these countries and other Arab countries which have no diplomatic relations with Israel, if you have an Israeli stamp in your passport.

Avoiding an Israeli stamp

When entering Israel at Ben Gurion it's okay to ask the border people to not stamp your passport. However, this only makes sense if you fly in from Egypt, since if you go to the Syrian border from Jordan with a passport not showing how you entered the Middle East, they will simply refuse your passport.

At the Jordan crossings officials on both sides generally seem to not stamp your passport if you ask them to.

Egyptians generally always stamp. Your only way to avoid a stamp when going to Egypt from Israel is to go through Jordan, and take the ferry from Aqaba to Taba, Egypt.

To Jordan

Israel currently run 3 border terminals with Jordan:

  1. In northern Israel, next to Beit Sheaan, you can cross in the Abdallah bridge crossing, from which it is quite straight forward if you continue onwards to Amman.
  2. In Palestine (the occupied territories) the Israeli forces run the Allenby bridge crossing, seperating Jordan from the Palestinian territories. Because of its location, this border is only crossable to Palestinians and internationals (not Israelis) and the passengers are subject to intimdating "security" interrogations. This is also the most direct border crossing from Amman to Jerusalem. Notice that if you need a Jordanian visa, it cannot be acquired at this crossing.
  3. In the south, 3km north of Eilat, you can cross at the Arava crossing (Yitzchak Rabin terminal) which seperates Eilat from Aqaba. This is probably the most popular border terminal.
