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Bolivia is a landlocked country in South America. It is bordered by Brazil to the north and northeast, Paraguay to the southeast, Argentina to the south, and Chile and Peru to the west.

Flag of Bolivia Bolivia
Language: Spanish, Quechua, Aymara
Capital: La Paz
Population: 9,119,152
Currency: Boliviano (BOB)
Paved roads: 10–20%
Hitchability: <rating country='bo' />
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Although it is not uncommon to see a family on the side of the road waiting for a truck to pick them up for local travelling, overall the hitching isn't very good. The roads are in very bad condition (something like 10–20% of roads in Bolivia are paved, which can be very scary in the rainy season!), they wind up and down the Andes into hairpin bends at 4,000m, are wide enough for one truck or bus (so you want to be sure the person you've just gotten a ride with knows how to drive!) and are generally pretty frightening. If just going for a few kilometres, it is advisable, but often you are picked up in a truck with many people and sometimes even livestock, are asked to pay maybe 5 Bolivianos (0.50€) for 100 km and in the long run, you're better off taking the bus (which is extremely cheap, but not quite as cheap). Sometimes hitching will work in Bolivia, but not many people have private cars and often the only wheels around are colectivos or buses (remember: it's not impossible to hitch buses. Good-humouredness, quick making friends etc).

You can hitchhike in Bolivia from the tranca, the place where they want toll from the vehicles, it's always cheaper than the bus and sometimes you might go for free. Just negotiate. It's great to see the countryside from the back of a truck; you should have a warm blanket or a sleeping bag on you when you travel like that.

When you're in Bolivia, it really depends on the region when you're hitchhiking.

However, stickbugg hitchhiked from La Paz to Cochabamba in July of 2014, in two days, and offers the following general advice, perhaps applicable to most of Bolivia:
-There is no cultural notion of hitchhike which is easy to work with, save for that of poor countryside peasants looking to get into the city. Prepare to explain in Spanish why you do not want to take a bus, for example. Bolivians will try to help you in a number of ways, but usually by setting you up with a paid bus. Be honest about having no money and wanting to ride with people for adventure.
-Agree on cost or no cost of fare (pasaje) ahead of time, since is it normal in Bolivia for fare to be charged upon getting off of transit, and what seems like a free ride for many hours may not be upon getting out. This is not a scam, it is just a cultural thing you have to be aware of. Others may find it unthinkable for you to pay, since they are going that way anyway.
-In Spanish, the word for "to camp" (campar), can apply to staying overnight in any sort of accommodation. If you're looking for a place to camp in a tent, you should not ask to camp, but ask for a place to pitch your tent (carpa).
-Speak about the route you are taking in terms of which buses travel on them. Knowledge of highway numbers and names marks the privilege of relatively few Bolivians who own personal vehicles and travel long distances requiring a map. For example, ask city transit to drop you off at the furthest tranca on the route to Cochabamba, don't bother talking about the #1 or the Panamericana.
-To that end, know your maps and locations well, because you're on your own with knowing where you want to get. Unlike in North America, you have to do 99% of the navigational work of getting to where you want to do, and convincing someone to take you.
-Be conversational in Spanish if expect to arrange any rides.


Western Bolivia

Including all parts of the the Andes and the altiplano, and the cities of La Paz, Oruro, Uyuni, and Sucre.

The tiny dirt roads winding in and out of the Andes are in western Bolivia, and the hitching can actually be quite good on them... if you know where to stand. Don't try to stand at the crossings of two roads. Start walking in the direction you're headed, until you're pretty far from anything. Some Bolivians who maybe wouldn't have stopped for you at the crossing may stop for you out in the boonies of the Bolivian mountains. The Bolivian truckers will oftentimes toss you into the back of their cattle truck; make sure you've got something soft to lie on, because the mountain roads are consistently terrible and the trucks almost never have anything even closely resembling shocks. If you're leaving the mountains, be prepared for a very long ride. themodernnomad spent about 3 days getting from Sucre to Vallegrande (roughly 400 kilometres), in a forty year old semi truck that got four flat tires en route.

Areas between Oruro, Potosí and Sucre are pretty good and you can make quick time usually for free.

Heading from Uyuni to the Chilean border is difficult to nearly impossible. People who do stop tend to ask for more money than the bus costs and there are not many private cars. It is probably better to take a bus.

-Trancas (transit parking lots/stopovers) and gas stations are the best places to hitch from -- using a sign won't make sense, so you have to approach people.

Southeastern Bolivia

Including Santa Cruz de la Sierra and surrounding areas to the border of Paraguay.

Southeastern Bolivia usually means easier and less miserable rides; the climate is subtropical and warm, and if you've been spending a lot of time in the altiplano, will be an extremely welcome break from the cold. The roads are a little better, and parts of Santa Cruz are nicer than some Chilean and Argentine cities. Free rides are a little more difficult, but if you wait long enough, someone will give you a free lift. The situation is usually this: Out of ten public transportation vehicles that stop for you, one will take you for free. Fortunately, there are loads of public transportation vehicles in Bolivia, and it takes about 45 minutes for ten to stop for you. Santa Cruz is the richest city in Bolivia and its roads are full of 4x4s and flashy imported cars. Most of those don't seem to venture out of the city, though, and a good percentage has been purchased with drug money. Use your judgment.

Northern Bolivia

Amazonas, including Trinidad, Guayaramerín, Riberalta, and Rurrenabaque.

Perhaps the easiest area to hitchhike, the tropical Bolivian Amazon is crawling with tiny 2-stroke motorcycles and mopeds. They will usually pick you up if they're not loaded down with 4 or 5 people already. Don't bother with the thumb; just wave them down. There are many 'mototaxis' who will want to charge you, but if you find a private citizen, you can get a free lift. A mototaxi may even take you for free if you ask nicely. The climate is sweltering and humid all year around. Bring sunscreen and lots of water.

Typical Bolivian gasoline freighter on the Río Mamoré, Beni department, Bolivia

The roads in northern Bolivia are almost always made of red Amazonian dirt, and are hell in the rainy season. This is why it can sometimes be preferable to travel by river. The easiest route to take by river is Trinidad to Guayaramerín, along the river Mamoré. You will have a hard time finding free passage, but what you can do is work for your trip; gasoline barges and river freighters are always in need of a few extra hands, and many of the capitans will take you in exchange for a little manual labour.

themodernnomad searching for the bottom of the river with a stick; if he struck bottom, he had to immediately inform the capitan to change course or risk running aground and being yelled at.

The type of work you do will vary depending on the season; themodernnomad worked for a few weeks in the dry season as a 'human depth finder' with a large stick. The task was to make sure the river was deep enough for the boat to pass since sophisticated equipment such as depth finders are few and far between in Bolivia. You also may have to hose down gas barges to keep them cool, fish, refill 55 gallon drums of diesel fuel, and cook.


If you're anything but a U.S. citizen, entry and exit to Bolivia will be no problem whatsoever (even though some officials still try and extort bribes from travellers). However, if you are a U.S. citizen, you must pay US$135 (2013) to enter the country for 3 months. They are serious about this; in 2010, themodernnomad was almost deported for entering the country without first getting a visa.



"Bolivia is a rapidly changing country, and with Evo's third term as president about to begin, one can expect the trend to continue. One of the big focuses of the current government is a massive expansion of infrastructure and this includes the widening and paving of highways. So people's stories from Bolivia will likely quite rapidly grow outdated. At present, most highways alternate between asphalt and dirt or cobblestone, so be prepared for a smooth ride to turn bumpy, especially when in the back of a truck. In our experience, Bolivia was not particularly difficult to hitch, even when exiting cities, though inside cities it proved virtually impossible much of the time (as is the case in most places). Wait times were usually only long in low-traffic rural areas where very few vehicles would pass, but in those scenarios, when one came they stopped more than 50% of the time. An ability to speak in Spanish and a map or knowledge of your route seems crucial for hitching in Bolivia, because as described in the beginning of this page, most people speak only Spanish and are generally terrible with directions. We began every exchange by saying up front that we had no money (No tenemos plata... ¿está bien?) and never paid for a single ride. This was almost always fine with every driver (except most taxis, though even some taxis would still help us out) and avoided any awkward scenarios down the road. As explained above, it is customary, especially with trucks, to pay the driver a small amount - 3 to 10 Bolivianos - upon disembarking, so it's important to work that out ahead of time, especially if you can't pay. [I'll add more info later when I have time.]" - jhoule, hitching in October-November 2014

Altough I found the hitching difficult, I crossed Bolivia for a total of about $10, which I made playing the harmonica on the streets. Bolivians are certain collaborators, but haven't always the means.-k

I hitchhiked around Bolivia for 3 months; I entered the country with $400 chilean pesos (about US $0.70) and left it with three Bolivianos and a sunburn. The hitchhiking is medium to good, depending on the region, the people are extremely friendly, and the country is easily the cheapest in South America -themodernnomad

May/ August 2014 - I hitchhiked in both parts of Bolivia, i.e. Occidental and Oriental, and it really is like chalk and cheese, or campa e colla as the locals say. On the mountainous West, a bus really is probably a more wise option. The locals tend not to be warm, receptive or curious about hitchhikers, with some exceptions. A bus out of La Paz, and then hitching on the main highways would work. Truckers will pick you up, as they often come from more friendly states. I got rides out of Titicaca and a few others, but with white lies about thefts, which I never feel easy using.

3 months later, a little scarred, I entered the Oriental lowlands, which was vastly easier. Most of the times I was picked up by the very ride. Easy peasey! I took a route up through the Jesuit Ruins, for a dash of culture, very easy to hitch, and a few taxi drivers will take you for free if you blether away and entertain them with stories. You wont make the same grade of connections with your hitches on the whole, like in Argentina and Chile, but it was much easier than I anticipated. To crown it, getting free passage on a petrol barge to Brazil was a piece of cake, not even having to work for it. Slept in many shop fronts, and sometimes near police stations. But in the country, it is quite safe - lukeyboy95

I´m hitchhiking at the moment in Bolivia, and just discover that it exist a map of all the spots of the toll in the country. It´s on the ViasBolivia website, here is the link :