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Hitchwiki:Community Portal

Revision as of 16:34, 2 October 2007 by Guaka (talk | contribs)

Here you can ask questions, remarks, requests about hitchhiking or about the Hitchwiki! Please check out Multilingual coordination for stuff related to Hitchwiki in other languages.



Template for City pages

moved :) Guaka 16:03, 17 August 2007 (CEST)

Different names of cities in other languages

Hey, today I found out that there a dozen of other names of cities in other languages. This wikipage shows the most of them. I guess that we should at least redirect city names not from all languages (would be a lot of work) but from the most essential. Here the next question comes up, which languages are essential? I think redirects of city names in English, French, Spanish, German and Russian would cover the most at the moment. Any suggestions? platschisite, wikitalk 14:45, 13 September 2007 (CEST)

IRC channel or message board

I was thinking last night while at work that it would be really nice if we had an IRC channel. I love the wiki, but I think that a channel would help strengthen our community. A message board I'm not quite as sure about, because I hate sites that try to serve content via a board, but I'd be willing to mod a punBB or something to integrate well with the wiki so that we didn't "split" our content or do away with talk pages. I'm already idling #hitchwiki on Efnet (I'm Gh0ul) if anyone is interested in it! Zactalk 15:05, 17 August 2007 (CEST)

IRC would be fine for me. Maybe we can also use a jabber chat room (should also be compatible with google talk). I'm not sure if i like EFnet, yet, but I think I could live with it ;)
I really don't want a message board, that's hard to combine with a wiki in a senseful way. --MrTweek 21:25, 17 August 2007 (CEST)

Pictures of the now

I just thought about replacing the pictures of the now by random images. something like that: what do you (all) think? --MrTweek 21:25, 17 August 2007 (CEST)

Sounds good to me. Zactalk
Good idea, if you find the time to do it sometime. I'd rather first see OpenID :) guakasite, wikitalk 21:41, 12 September 2007 (CEST)

User Details

Is my email address publicly visible - if not, is it visible to those who register as users? --System.Exception 19:25, 29 August 2007 (CEST)

No, it is visible to nobody. You just have to enter it for verifying your account, or in case you lost your password and stuff --MrTweek 08:38, 30 August 2007 (CEST)
Well, actually it's probably visible to anyone with access to the actual database (not the database dumps) of Hitchwiki: MrTweek and myself (if I can find the login to the server again :) guakasite, wikitalk 21:41, 12 September 2007 (CEST)

Happy to see this wiki - Multilingual coordination

I was justly thinking in my way from Croatia to France today that it should be great to have a wiki about hitchhaking and I see that it's done!. Unfortunaly my english is not good enough (OK i'm a french guy) to participate on it but it is steel a really good thing. I know a website in french wich have realy good information about where to do auto stop in the cities. Someone should translate it. --Kimdime69 22:18, 5 September 2007 (CEST)

If there is enough interest, we would be glad to start a french version of hitchwiki (there is already a spanish one). However I don't speak french, so it would be important that at least 1 or 2 people are responsible for taking care of it. Just let me know --MrTweek 22:44, 5 September 2007 (CEST)
Well I will not be the good man to start a french version, if there is one maybe I would participate but I'm quite sceptic about the viability of such thing when I see than even in the english version there is so much to do. -- 15:05, 6 September 2007 (CEST)
I'm interested in a French version. My French is waning and I need a chance to practice it, so I'd love to work on translating pages. Zactalk 23:29, 6 September 2007 (CEST)
Bon, let's do it. I'm happy to keep an eye on it and help with some rough translations, and to communicate between the English and the French project. Alors,, on y va? guakasite, wikitalk 04:51, 7 September 2007 (CEST)
It would probably be cool to get some Babel template stuff here, from Wikipedia. guakasite, wikitalk 04:58, 7 September 2007 (CEST)
Alright, I've set up and I would suggest to create at least basic Main Pages before announcing them. I don't speak any french, so I'll leave it to you. It would be good to find some native french speaker as an admin. Please do not announce the German version yet. I will do that, after clarifying some organisational things with the guys from abgefahren. --MrTweek 11:17, 10 September 2007 (CEST)
Oh, and your logins work on all languages, of course. But admins/sysops/etc are not identical. --MrTweek 11:23, 10 September 2007 (CEST)
Great great great! I just started Multilingual coordination :) guakasite, wikitalk 20:38, 10 September 2007 (CEST)

Truck companies

I think that there should be a place to write down witch truck companies that drives from witch places to witch and when. We all have some numbers to truckdrivers, not putting them on display here of course but telling the rout, company and times to role... I am googeling companys right now driving Paris to Barcelona, but I cant find anything in english... Anyone ideas about how to google or companies that might drive?

I'm not so sure if that information might really be so useful. Truck are always the slowest way to get somewhere, so I usually try to avoid getting picked up by trucks, especially when leaving big cities. Also, there are probably a lot of trucks on major routes like Paris->Barcelona every day. jm2c --MrTweeksite, wikitalk 16:06, 14 September 2007 (CEST)
On the other hand, it is a certain way to get somewhere. From Paris to Barcelona is hard to do during the daylight of one day (even on the 21st of June), so going with a truck would be a very good alternative. Maybe it would be good to know if there are companies that are likely to help hitchhikers somewhere. I have never tried it myself though... and I probably wouldn't. I don't like planning so much :) guakasite, wikitalk 18:17, 14 September 2007 (CEST)

international start page?

Google Maps plugin

Maybe this is worth checking out: It might be the way for even more integration between liftershalte and hitchwiki! guakasite, wikitalk 01:34, 24 September 2007 (CEST)

Wow, it has improved a lot since i checked the last time. I'll see what I can do. Any good ideas how to improve it? --MrTweeksite, wikitalk 09:35, 24 September 2007 (CEST)

political borders vs. cultural borders

I'm just thinking about how we should treat borders. In my opinion, cultural borders are more important than political borders. For example in Ireland, there is a political border, but it is open, and even the locals don't see this as a real border. Also, I'm sure there is no difference between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, regarding to hitchhiking. So I want the atricle Ireland to cover the whole Island and put a note about this in the article Northern Ireland. I'm not sure, wether there are other countries whith such a situation (maybe Belgium?) --MrTweeksite, wikitalk 10:36, 24 September 2007 (CEST)

We have to define clear guidelines for that. If we don t we soon get confrontated with Spanish Regions who want to be independen (Katalunia, Basque Country, Galicia, etc.) We have to state somewhere how we decide on those issues.

I would recommend to take the official definitions of countries and link in Ireland to the Northern Ireland Article and Vice Verse - might be easier for the search as well. Fabzgy 18:30, 25 September 2007 (CEST)

Of course, we need to link them in both directions anyway. But I'm wondering wether we should put content into the article of northern Ireland. Because there won't be any difference between northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. That's why I would use the article Ireland for the whole island, and leave northern Ireland as it is, a short article with some references where to find information. My proposal in general would be: Create article for the political regions, and in case there is something special about hitchhiking in a certain cultural region, we can make another article and link it whereever possible. I.e. like in the German hitchwiki, there is an article about Lapland, which is a region in Sweden, Finland and Norway. This would mean, Katalunia, Galicia, etc can have their own articles, if hitchhiking is different there. --MrTweeksite, wikitalk 09:28, 26 September 2007 (CEST)

new to hitchwiki

Well I am new on the Hitchwiki, I would like to contribute my time and energy to assist others who maybe oneday would come to my country sierra Leone.I am a couchsurfing memeber( Id :SAHR).

I would also like to participate with ohers in this forum.

regards, john

You are very welcome to contribute to hitchwiki. You might have seen that there is no information about Sierra Leone yet. It would be really cool, if you could add something. If you want to work here a little more, it might be senseful to create an account. --MrTweeksite, wikitalk 19:18, 26 September 2007 (CEST)


It seems as if there is a problem with URLs, e.g., which should be guakasite, wikitalk 18:25, 27 September 2007 (CEST)

Yes, and I'm pretty sure I told you about that a few days ago ;) It's not really a Problem, because the short URLs still work. Since the mediawiki-update, they are just generated wrong, sometimes. I will fix that --MrTweeksite, wikitalk 19:26, 27 September 2007 (CEST)

cooperation with hopsitalityclub

What do you think about cooperation with other websites and web communities based on the idea of open world? For example Hospitality Club ( ) - something absolutely great for hitchhikers and for other people too. I've got a vision - great community of web 'open world' communities, cooperating with each other and helping their members to enjoy our beatiful planet fully.

HC is NOT a democratic organisation! That said, it IS a great travellers' and hitchhikers' community. --Fverhart 12:04, 28 September 2007 (CEST)
We have a discussion about this stuff running on Hitchwiki_talk:Organization. We really do support the idea of an "open world". Well, unfortunately hospitalityclub is not so open, but more like a dictatorship. At the moment we are only discussing about cooperation with bewelcome and maybe wikivoyage. However, if you have good ideas how to cooperate with hospitalityclub, just let us know. We are always open for any kind of cooperation --MrTweeksite, wikitalk 12:10, 28 September 2007 (CEST)
I strongly object any cooperation with Hospitality Club. The Organization is a mess. Veit will answer your first three E-Mails (if you are lucky) and then it s gone ... I m in favour of BeWelcome but thats known I guess. Fabzgy 18:18, 29 September 2007 (CEST)
He never responded to any of my emails, but well, even though I tried to be constructive, I wasn't expecting any response ;) guakasite, wikitalk 16:34, 2 October 2007 (CEST)


I just installed the reCAPTCHA plugin on the Crash at Mine Wiki. It took me less than 4 minutes. I think it will keep out spam for a while. I think it's a good idea to do the same here. guakasite, wikitalk 16:34, 2 October 2007 (CEST)