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Budapest is the capital of Hungary.


Hitching out

M1, M7 West towards Bratislava, Vienna, Zagreb

<liftershalte lat='47.506534' lng='19.125824' zoom='10' view='0' float='right' height='270' width='350' /> When heading to west (M7 to Balaton or M1 to Austria and Slovakia), you should take a bus or something to Budaörs. There is a gas station with a lot of traffic to both motorways.

However I tried starting from inside the city a few times (between Moskva ter and Kelenföld), but I never got a lift, although there was a lot of traffic (really much) in my direction, and the place was good for stopping. So I have no clue, why don't want to pick up someone inside the city.

There's a good point inside Budapest also. It's in the above metioned neighborhood Kelenföld, on the Budaörsi út (road). You can check the schedule on the homepage [1] of the local transport company, but the bus number 40, 41, 53, 139, 153 are ok. You should try on the ÖMW petrol station.

An other option to get to this petrol station is to take the tram 19 or 49, go to the last stop (it's in the front of small train station), then walk along the train station until the walking tunnel, go to the right inside the tunnel, on the exit walk straight until you see the highway, then go to right and cross the road by the walking bridge, go to left and walk in direction of the mcdonald (where the petrol station is).

The best is to use a sign "M1" or "M7", according if you want go to west or to south.

There is also another petrol station just ~5km further directly before the fork of the highway to M1 or M7. But it seems that you'll find less cars here than at the ÖMV petrol station.

M5 South towards Belgrade, Arad

First you have to get to Határ út. That's a station of the 3rd/blue metro. Take the bus red#94 (route) and go untill you see a citroen carmarket on the other side of the road. Here you can start to hitch. I recommend with a sign "Szeged", that's a bigger city near to the border.

M3 East towards Cluj-Napoca, L'viv, Kosice

M2 North towards Kraków

Public Transport

Public transport in Budapest is really good and cheap. A single ticket is only about 0,80€ and it seems like conductors don't check the stamps (there seems to be no date/time information), so you can use it for a few days.
If you get caught without a valid ticket, you only have to pay about 10€.