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724 bytes added, 23:09, 2 November 2022
Edit Extra informations
* Whilst waiting in the queue for your time to board the ferry, after the passport check, you can try to change rides in order to get onto an earlier boat or to a better destination. Just walk around asking people that have an earlier leaving time than yours. Since you've passed the passport check, they should not be afraid to take you. You can see the departure time on the paper that is usually on their car or truck windows. This can save you a lot of time.
-> I did this a few times and it was fine. But once I had two overly ambitious workers who asked me what I'm doing when I walked around. Told them I'm just heading to my car, but when we borded they checked our paperthing in the window to see if it had the right number of passengers on it (which it luckely had). Never happened to me before, but then again, I walked around with a big backpack. So maybe leave your stuff in the car to ask around. Just make sure to be back in time. The bording sometimes beginns way earlier than the actuall leaving time of the ferry.
* You can also change rides inside the ferry, especially when it has arrived in the port and people are getting to their cars and waiting to exit. Just go around looking at number plates and asking around. Hurry, though, you don't want to be left on foot when all the cars are leaving.
-> Wouldn't recommend. There is very little time between going down to the cars and the cars leaving. Rather ask around during the crossing while on deck.
== Ferrys Timetable ==