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Dover is a busy port in East Kent, in the South of England. For hitchhikers this is likely the best possibility to cross the English channel, though you're even better off if you can get a ride to France before you get to Dover. Because it is the closest port to continental Europe on mainland Britain with just 21 miles from the French port of Calais, Dover is the busiest cross-Channel port in the UK, with 18 million passengers every year and thousands of lorries (trucks) each day. Regular ferry services operate from Dover to Calais (P&O) and Dunkerque (DFDS Seaways). For timetables, check the external links at the end of this article.

Crossing the English channel (to France)

General Information

  • Drivers pay per vehicle, so bringing an additional passenger will not change the costs. If they already have their ticket, they will need to amend it (for free) and add another passenger. A foot passenger ticket will cost you about €40.
  • The border police do not like hitchhikers. It's completely legal to hitchhike, but makes them suspicious. Whether you catch a ride for the tunnel or the ferry, ask the driver politely not to mention that you're hitchhiking. Explain the situation so that the driver realizes you aren't doing anything wrong.
  • If you want to take the tunnel/ferry, It's best to find a lift before Dover, at Maidstone Services on the M20 or Medway Services on the M2. Don't go to the Ashford Truckstop
  • 'You MAY try to get a lift through the tunnel! We met a lorry driver at Clackett Lane services who was going to tunnel. And he was able to change passenger number at the first barrier. Then on the train with all the truckers
  • The ferry, as opposed to the tunnel, has the advantage of having 1.5 hours to find a ride to your next destination. Do your best to find the next ride on the ferry - even if it's for a short distance (though many people will be going far!) since hitchhiking out of Calais isn't fun. Many drivers don't speak a lot of English, but try all your languages (or a map) and something might work. Polish, Romanian, Russian and German are particularly useful. You can also ask people when they're queuing up to leave upon arrival, but it might be risky to wait so long.
  • If you're changing rides, it's a good idea to bring your backpack to the ferry instead of leaving it in the vehicle. But keep in mind that you're not allowed to leave it unattended and if you do, they will panic and look for you. If you don't want to be hauling it around, maybe ask someone who isn't moving around much to keep an eye on it, or pick it up from the car upon arrival (requires more logistics with the old and new drivers).
  • Ferries from Dover go to both Dunkerque and Calais. If you are trying to hitch down to Paris or further south then make sure your ride is going to Calais as you will find it difficult to find a lift otherwise. However, if you are hitching to Belgium, Germany etc. then you should get the ferry to Dunkerque.

In Dover

There are several possibilities in Dover:

Along the A20

This road is swarming with drivers on their way to the ferry. Your sign should say FRANCE (or FRANCE (ferry)), not FERRY, otherwise people will be offering you rides to the ferry port.

  • Natural Halts Waiting at places where cars have to stop because of traffic lights or where traffic naturally periodically comes to a halt. You may wait at a pedestrian crossing at a point on the A20 where traffic naturally comes to a halt. One such spot is at Marine Rd Pedestrian Crossing (51.125312, 1.323558).
  • Busstops Megger Factory (probably bad/senseless), Hammond's Garage, which is opposite the BP at Limekiln Street an average spot at best. Drivers are often mildly disoriented when they exit the roundabout and have to decide too quickly to stop at the bus-stop. Some drivers do however go to the BP and what you could do is wait for them at the exit of the BP. Leisure Centre seems alright.
  • Petrol Stations: October 2019: Unfortunately I was not allowed to talk to drivers at either of the two BPs in Dover (Limekiln Street (51°07'06.1"N 1°18'25.0"E) and Folkestone Rd).
  • The Ferry Port: There's no point since you won't be allowed on the premises of the port (confirmed 2017). But Tzuiop9c was able to stand at the very entrance (at the roundabout) of the premises for thirty minutes without being bothered (several employees drove past with bothering to tell him to go away.) But this spot is problematic since drivers are concentrating on finding the right lane and lorry drivers don't have to stop there.
  • Burger King / the St James Retail and Leisure Centre

On the ferry

  • If you can find a Commercial Driver, who takes you on the ferry, you probably receive a free-dinner-ticket ( + 2 free drinks) for the Commercial Drivers Restaurant (top floor), when you entered the ferry with the truck/lorry, because they thought you're driver, too. When you're on the ferry without a Commercial Driver at least you can get a free drink (hot chocolate, tea, coffee, soft drink), however if you wish to buy food it will cost you.
  • Commercial drivers also have better rates for currency exchange, so if you're hitching a truck, maybe the driver will agree to change your money for you.

If you are super stuck

  • check the English channel page for more options on how to hitchhike across the channel.
  • If hitchhiking doesn't work, carpooling can come in really handy. There are People on Blablacar going every evening to Calais. I paid 5 GBP for the ride. Much better than
  • A two way ticket (return) for the same day costs GBP 18 (as opposed to GBP 30 for a one-way ticket). But be careful, when you go to buy the ticket go without backpacks because they won't sell you the ticket, because they'll say you won't come back. Act like you are going for the ride with the ferry. Also when you go on the bus, if the person who sold you the ticket is there, try to give your backpacks to someone else until you are on the bus, from there you won't have any problems no more.
  • If all fails you might have to stay for the night. The cheapest place to do so (as far as I'm aware) is the First and Last Pub. Although named a Pub, there are bunks inside for customers to stay for £15 per night(breakfast usually provided). But its reception is located at Russell street, in the The Castle Inn/Dover Backpackers.

Hitchiking Out

North towards Canterbury along the A2

From Dover there's the A2 that runs north to Canterbury and on to the M2, the A20 that follows the coast south to Folkestone, and the A256 that heads north towards Ramsgate, Broadstairs and Margate.

For leaving Dover, you probably have a better chance of a lift if you follow the Main road out of town. After about 20 minutes when you start to walk up a hill, there is a good place for vehicles to pull in.

North and North East towards Folkestone and London along the M20

One option is to walk out of the terminal building, through the car park, and follow the road signs pointing cars towards the M20. Unfortunately there isn't really a safe place to pull over until the first bus stop, about 500m away. By this stage traffic is often going quite quickly, and some of it is now local traffic, but it is mostly port traffic, and you should be able to convince someone to stop. A sign would be useful (such as 'M20'). If you walk further you will find a bus stop another 500 m or so further down the road.

West towards Brighton

Try to get a lift onto the M20 and follow the motorways up and over.

Another option is to get onto the coastal road A259 all the way to Brighton.

From my experience I would seriously advise skipping the romantic idea of the coastal road and keep yourself on the motorway. After Folkstone it's largely local traffic and long walk out of the town

Ferrys Timetable

Wild camping

You cen put your tent in White Cliffs of Dover hilss

Nomadwiki & Trashwiki

Check Trashwiki for dumpsters...and share your wisdom :)

Local church feeds people at 18:00