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Auvergne is a region in the center of France.

Applications-office.png This article is a stub. This means that the information available to us is obviously insufficient. In these places little information is available or the description is severely outdated. If you have been there, whether hitchhiking, for travel or as part of an organized tour − be sure to extend this article!

<map lat="45.729240018149" lng="3.3586795568316" zoom="8" view="0" float="right" width="500" height="700" />

name of the departement ID main city other important cities
Allier 03 Moulins Montluçon, Vichy
Cantal 15 Aurillac Mauriac, Saint-Flour
Haute-Loire 43 Le-Puy-en-Velay
Puy-de-Dôme 63 Clermont-Ferrand