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Flag of Norway.svg

Hitchgathering 2016 in Lille Stensrud area in Oslo, Norway

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Official Invitation and further location details here



About the place: It's a strip of forest that its outside Oslo, 15km south, well connected by bus or bike. bus is 30kr adult and 15kr child (3 euro adult / 1,5 euro child, you can ride with child tickets to get in the bus and if a control comes you just get the fine unless you live in Norway and wanna stay out of trouble). The lake is one of my favorites in Oslo, its a perfect balance between size, warmth and hidden. Mind that there are many other beautiful lakes very close by (short walking distance). I dont think its a land that its owned by someone and if so, its probably one of those big companies that are trying to turn the forest into block buildings in the next years. I have been squatting in the area for some time, the forest is full with cabins (most of them trashed, some in good shape) that can be used trough the whole year to live in. While squatting, never got any problems. Authorities dont roam around the area as the whole Lille Stensrud area is kind of the white trash / freaks area of Oslo. So I dont promise no problems but I wouldn't expect much. Also, if the authorities come, the lake is half in Oslo district and half in Akershus, which is a different jurisdiction. So if we wanna play legal cool we can just "cross the border" and no more problems with Oslo. Also, good to remember that Scandinavian countries have the every-man's land right, which means you can camp everywhere for a maximum of 2 nights, but that is when you have been spotted by the right authorities and what you do is just move camp and that's it. Also, if you treat the place with respect, even in national parks the authorities are cool with people using the areas.

There was someone mentioning on the email list something about needing an expensive ferry to get to Norway. Well, that would make it much faster as you would avoid Sweden, but I made it many times and its totally doable. Also, if you have had enough slow experiences in Sweden and wanna skip it, there is a Swebus Copenhagen-Oslo connection for 25 euros (although we should rename the gathering to Bus-gathering if too many choose that way!)

SeedCamp / Organizers

  • Warlo | warlo who has an email in riseup and the following thing is a dot and then net | I have been living in the area


The place is beautiful, big forest all around

Well connected to Oslo

Very good dumpsters close-by (although that needs to be taken carefully as many squats around live from them). When we gather there with 50-100 people and the dumpsters are already used by other squads, that might become a problem. Especially because buying food in Norway is so fucking expensive.

August is blueberry season! and this time looks like its gonna be a record year!

Fishing possibilities.


It don't seem like any permission can be arranged for the area, so the gathering cannot be "secured" (although the area is huge and there are several spots where we can move and still have a great time)

Except for lake water drinkers, water source is accessible on a somewhat long walk (1.8km)

Remember that Scandinavian countries are somewhat rainy! (we have the option of bringing one or two rather large tents for sleeping and community activities)

Bring anti-mosquito gear and ammo!

Why not...

  • Croatia: Serious issues with permissions and distance to water source was really long.
  • Slovenia: Location proposed wasn't for free.
  • Germany: land owner said no.

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