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Besides Hitchwiki there are quite a few decent websites out there with info about hitchhiking.

A huge list of hitchhiking-related websites can be also found here.


Social media


Practical info

  • Bernd Wechner's Hitchhiking Resources - External and internal collection of information on hitchhiking.
  • is a world map where everyone can mark hitching spots.
  • Hitchbase is a database where hitchhikers can seek for good places to hitchhike. Most entries are in English but some are written in German, too. It is not that easy to update the information there but what is already updated fascinates at times (e.g., tips for hitching in Finland).
  • is a great site in English and German with lots of general information about hitchhiking, legal issues, including at the same time dozens of funny anecdotes.
  • Hitchhiking in the Netherlands Website of the hitchhiker Frank Verhart.
  • Hitchhiking reddit - user submitted articles and discussion.

Other languages

There are also Hitchwikis (or sister projects in other names) in other languages, Spanish, German, French, Finnish, Portuguese, Bulgarian and Russian.




  • AutostopArgentina is a community page for hitch-hikers from Argentina and South America in general. There's lots of detailed data about hitchhiking in Argentina, HOWTO's, and a forum with more than 1200 registered members.

See also

Personal blogs and projects