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Besides Hitchwiki there are quite a few decent websites out there with info about hitchhiking.
Some hitchhikers write their own blogs.
Social media
- - A logbook to keep track of your rides.
Practical info
- Bernd Wechner's Hitchhiking Resources - External and internal collection of information on hitchhiking.
- Claudio Adriano Dobre - Stories, essential rules and practical tips from a long-time Romanian hitchhiker.
- Frank Verhart - Information about hitchhiking in the Netherlands from a skilled Dutch hitchhiker.
- Reddit group - Discussion and user submitted articles.
- Veit Kühne - Contains stories, golden rules and FAQ from an experienced German hitchhiker.
Other languages
There are also Hitchwikis (or sister projects in other names) in other languages, Spanish, German, French, Finnish, Portuguese, Bulgarian and Russian.
- Abgefahren e.V. - Deutsche AutoStop Gesellschaft - German Autostop Society which has regular meetings, interesting ideas, etc.
- Hitchhike info on Anarchopedia - wiki which is available under the GNU Free Documentation License (compatible with this wiki).
- Sport Trampen - German club DTSG
- Tramprennen - An annual hitchhike-race across the european mainland.
- was a great forum, focused on the US. Unfortunately it went down after Salman died.
See also
- Hitchhiking clubs around the world
- Wikis for wiki websites
- Multimedia for an overview of different media stuff on hitchhiking