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Berlin is the capital of Germany.

<map lat='52.5' lng='13.3' zoom='9' view='0' float='right' height='300' width='400' country='Germany'/>
Flag of Germany
Coat of arms of Berlin.png
Population: 3,405,483 (31 Juli 2007)
Licence plate: B
Major roads: A2, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A24
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Hitching Out

Northwest towards Hamburg, Rostock and Scandinavia  

For hitchhiking to Hamburg prepare a cardboard sign with "HH" written on it, which is the license plate sign for cars from Hamburg and understood widely. "HRO" stands for Rostock by the way.

Rasthof Stolper Heide

The hitchhiking-spot in Henningsdorf Rasthof Stolper Heide is the best option to reach Hamburg, Rostock or Scandinavia. You are going to have to go on a 2 km walk in total (part of which involves gorgeous forests...). S-Bahn station Heiligensee (S25 towards Henningsdorf, 2.10 € ticket), walk down Ruppiner Chaussee northwards about 200 meters and turn right on an asphalt walking path (− there's a sign saying "Berliner Mauerweg"). Follow the path for 10-15 minutes. Cross the bridge over the motorway and you will see a short railing on the your left. You can easily jump over and then walk down the little hill to the motorway. Walk along the way for about 600/700m, if you walk on the path in the woods you will be on the wrong side of a tall green fence and have to go back. The large petrol station is there. You can easily get a direct ride to Hamburg from here.

A very close-by spot that saves you the 2 km walk: Get off one station earlier, Schulzendorf (S25 towards Henningsdorf, 2.10€ ticket). Get out from the front of the train, and out of the station, follow Ruppiner Chaussee north, and take the first right (Schulzendorfer Straße). And there you are, on the motorway access ramp, 5 min walk from the station. However, at this spot the access ramp is quite narrow, and there is not a good place for cars to stop safely. There is also a curve in the road, and cars are travelling quickly, so this spot might be dangerous for you and the drivers. You can take any ride. If the car doesn't go your way, he can drop you off at the petrol station "Rasthof Stolper Heide" some kilometers up the road.

Prenzlauer Promenade

The street Prenzlauer Promenade is called Prenzlauer Allee in the city centre and becomes the Autobahn A114 next to the S-Bahn station Pankow-Heinersdorf. From there, just walk 500m down the bridge and you've got a traffic-light as well as two petrol stations, both on the right side for the drivers going towards the Autobahn. It may be worth walking to the second petrol station as it's cheaper and more frequented. However, it might happen that the staff at this second (Shell) station tell you to leave their property and threaten you to call the police.

You can also wait opposite of McDonald's for a lift. Sometimes you will meet other hitchhikers here, too. If someone offers a lift "only" to a gas station on the motorway ("Linumer Bruch" for instance) take it, since from a motorway gas station it is very easy to get another lift.


If you want to hitchhike towards Hamburg or Schwerin on the A24 it is the best to go with the U6 towards Alt-Tegel and get off at Kurt-Schumacher-Platz and then start walking towards the motorway. About 2 minutes away from the U-Bahn station there is a Jet petrol station. You can either ask the drivers who stop there or stand at the road right before it. (Update January 2009: Spot is open again!)

North East towards Szczecin, Gdansk (Danzig)  

Berliner Allee

Borough Pankow, part Weißensee: Take the tram M4 to Berliner Allee/Indira-Gandhi-Str. which can be caught at Alexanderplatz. Then walk along the Berliner Allee just around the half circle of the road and find a decent place where cars can pull over. Many cars at this intersection have Polish License and are heading North East, some as far as Gdansk. Use a sign with the city Szczecin and surely a Polish driver will stop, though be prepared to mix your languages and refer to cities by there Polish names. Check the map for the street view.

South towards Leipzig   and West towards Magdeburg, Hannover  

Rasthof Michendorf

  • This one also works for South or East!

Just 30 minutes by Regionalbahn (train) south west of Berlin. This is the most direct option. You easily get hitches to the south or west as well as to the east (Poland). Take a train (e.g. RE3 to Dessau, check for route information.) from the center (ABC 2.80 EUR). Get off at the train station Michendorf. Leave the station at the left side (in direction of the train). Turn right into the Potsdamer Straße, at the bus stop, and walk for 20 minutes straight on it.

Alternatively you can get here by bus 643 or 608 from Potsdam Hbf which also passes the train station in Michendorf. Get off at "Michendorf Abzweig Wildenbruch", and walk south west for the final stretch to the service station.

To go west or south (Magdeburg, Hannover or Leipzig, Munich) turn right into Feldstraße and follow it till you see the service station. Enter via the green emergency door.

If you want to go east towards Poland or Dresden turn right after the tunnel (it's a small sandy track through a wood). Follow the track until you are at the McDonalds restaurant at the rest area. The petrol station is after the McDonalds and seems to be better for getting rides.

Tiziano hitching from Berlin to Munich

Raststätte Grunewald

For going South or West you can try the Raststätte Grunewald. Take the S-Bahn train S7 towards Potsdam or S1 towards Wannsee and get out at Nikolasee. Walk out of the train station, cross the bridge and you'll see the petrol station next to you. Usually you will encounter some other hitchhikers ("I stood there with 14 other Hitchhikers on a sunny Monday morning, 9 o`clock. Maybe Grunewald is a HH place, that is too well known!" --Bocia), but normally you get a car at the petrol station within a few minutes − at least to Michendorf! Also standing at the traffic lights before the on-ramp seems to be useful!

Trampstelle Potsdam

There is a local campaign for an official hitchhiking spot in Potsdam, they made a petition and won it :) The hitchhiking spot is planned now and will be established soon.

Aral at Kaiserdamm

Another option is the Aral petrol station at Kaiserdamm near the central bus station. Take U2 to Kaiserdamm (if you come from direction Zoo) and go out in the driving direction. Leave the station on the left exit. After 50m there's the petrol station. It depends on the day, sometimes it's very easy to get away there, sometimes it's harder.

South towards Dresden   and East towards Frankfurt (Oder), Poland  

If you are going further than Dresden (e.g. Czech Republic) on the A13, also take a look on the Dresden page. You may also try Rasthof Michendorf for getting lifts east or southeast.

There are 2 ways of entering the upper mentioned motorways:

1. From entrances to the new A113 motorway:

Airport Berlin-Schönefeld

It's possible to hitchhike at the on-ramp next to the airport (Flughafen) Berlin-Schönefeld. You can reach the airport with S-Bahn S9 and some DB trains. You can not only find lifts mostly towards Dresden or Poland. It's probably the best spot within reach by S and U-Bahn to hitchhike to Poland. Stand right before the ramp with a 'PL' sign. The ramp is pretty small, but you can walk up some 15-20m behind the Autobahn sign so people can stop along the side of the road safely. Watch the speed of cars coming from the right hidden corner onto the ramp, it's a tricky on-ramp, can be dangerous so hitch carefully here.

One hitchhiker waited here for 6 hours without success. Have a look at the discussion page.


Maybe Tempelhof used to be a good place to hitch hike in the past but now it seems impossible to catch a ride there - there is simply no space for a car to stop (or we failed to find a spot which i doubt because we searched the whole neighbourhood). If you still want to test it yourself here is how to get there: The airport is easy to reach with S-Bahn and U-Bahn. Once there simply follow the sign towards Dresden (A100). There are two red lights, for people coming from north and south, so they have time to see you. You should ask for A113 or A13, or simply if they are going in the way to Ikea, and get dropped on the petrol station before the big mall (before Waltersdorf, check map also). Bus #263 from S-Bahn station Grünau also goes to/near this petrol station. Please read the discussion page!

2. From the 96a road (not that much in use after opening the A113):


Hitchhikers next to the service station in Schöneweide.

Take a train to the S-Bahn station Schöneweide, get out there and walk out of the station East, turn right on Michael-Brückner Straße and after 300 meter you'll find two big service stations − although the Autobahn is far away these are mostly the last possibilities for cars to get petrol. The place was once crowded with hitchhikers but is normally empty now and works fine! Locals tend to stop at the second petrol station because it's usually cheaper. Also, behind this petrol station is a Burger King "Restaurant". If you choose your spot well, you can show a sign both to cars on the street who could stop at the Burger King entrance (but often drive too fast though) and to people leaving the second petrol station or entering Burger King.

  • However the attendants at the service station will ask you to look for your ride elsewhere and may even call the police. The road leading to the Autobahn is a no stopping zone, so the best solution is to stand near the Burger King, where a driver can pull in. There is no better spot further up the road toward the Autobahn.
  • 2008-08-24: I used this petrol stations quite often and never had problems. What the hell did you do? -Ben
  • I tried both the gas station and by using a sign to stop cars from the street. First of all most people weren't traveling to Dresden and even if they were they were very hesitant to give you a ride if you ask them. For all the time I spent there, two other hitchhikers came and they also had no luck. I eventually gave up and had to pay for the bus. I'm not sure if that's a good spot.
  • as of August 2010 I consider this the best spot for hitching to Dresden. Living in Dresden and going to Berlin for weekend-trips quite often it worked fine for me as well as for others visiting from Berlin. The catch might be it was almost always Sunday afternoons though. So if you take that into account you should be fine getting a lift to Dresden from Schöneweide, given the number of people returning to Dresden for the start of the week.



Alternatively go to the S-Bahn station Altglienicke. Leave the platform illegally at the east end, then hike over the rails, which will bring you to the B96. The road is also named Am Seegraben. There is a wide emergency lane and a speed limit of 50 km/h. Use a sign to get a lift to Dresden (DD), Braunschweig (BS), Hannover(H), Rasthof Michendorf or Frankfurt (Oder) (FF) / Poland (Poznan). It is not allowed to hitchhike on that spot, though it's very likely that you will obtain a good lift in short time. Remember: Running over the rails can cost you something around 25 Euro if they catch you.

Attention Cars are driving too fast and you'll bring yourself in danger. People start honking also... so better not using this hitchhike spot. After a while the police appeared and sent us away. (August 2009)--Wukk 12:32, 22 October 2009 (UTC)


OR ... go to the S-Bahn station Altglienicke. When getting off, you ll see there is a road in parallel to the S Bahn line, and a red light. To get there, leave the platform by using "the bridge", legally, and then cross the road to stand at the red light. You can ask cars every time they stop for the red light. The red light is 100 meters before the onramp of the motorway going to Cottbus or Dresden.


You can also take the S-Bahn one station further to S Grünbergallee. You'll find a big road and a big hardware-store (called Hornbach). There is a right-going lane at the big road. Just show a sign saying Dresden at the beginning of this lane. Sometimes you can ask drivers at the parking lot of the hardware-store if they can take you to the first petrol station on the Autobahn (this is just a minutes ride). From there you can be lucky, too.

Hitching In

A word about getting into Berlin since the ring is so big and maybe you are on a ride that's only passing by.

behind the fence of autobahn/motorway A2/E30

East and West

The best is to get off at Rasthof Michendorf (after all the ring interchanges). There is a bridge over the Autobahn nearby so if you are coming from Poland you can jump over and easily find someone going into the city. Alternatively, when coming from the east about 2 km before the interchange "Berlin Zentrum" (it's really not a good idea to get off at interchanges on the autobahn), there is an exit for Königs Wusterhausen. There will be a lot of commercial shopping buildings you will see just before you need to exit and as you are exiting will see the McDonalds. Then, if you can't find a ride going into Berlin (which could be rare actually) walk about 1 km into the nearest town. There is a bus going to Berlin for 1 EUR.



At Hauptbahnhof the McDonalds has free refills, pick up a cup and get high on fizzy drinks.

Internet access

Sidewalk express (internet) is located in the food court at Hauptbahnhof, pick up some of the leftover receipts and enter the code, there is usually some time left. This is the internet I'm using now.

Public transport

Blackriding is possible, albeit risky. Controllers are very frequent and wear civil clothes, so they cannot be noticed before the doors are closed. And since they do not receive hourly wage but salary depending on how many people they catch, playing the "dumb tourist" will have no effect on them; they want you in their record. The good news is that even if they ask you to pay the fine on the spot (40 euros), you can say you don't have the money and then you have two weeks to pay it. Or, give them a false address and just never pay it. First time you also may have a good chance to decrease your fine when you write a letter to the S-Bahn office. It´s wise to mention things like it was an unlucky coincident, you´ve been overwhelmed by the city and the mass of people and that you usually pay for the good and ecological public transport... :)

Trams and buses are easier to blackride: Trams have vending machines inside, so keep close to one and in case someone should ask for tickets just be at the point of getting one, after all, it takes a while to find some small cash, figure out which ticket to get, how to use the machine ... :) On buses you'll have to show your ticket to the driver when getting in, but they barely look at it so an old used one usually does just fine.

Another option is the social one: Most people are actually riding on a monthly ticket called "Umweltkarte". It is valid for *two* adults after 8pm and all day on weekends and public holidays. The same also applies to the 7day ticket, but not the student ticket. So just ask around, but be prepared to explain yourself as it's not common so people may be somewhat puzzled at first. Take it as a way to meet random people and at the same time relax about controllers!

In case you splurged and got yourself a real ticket, share it! A single one works for a whole two hours, and a day ticket until 3am. After you're done using yours just drop it inside a vending machine or on top of the validator thing, and someone will be happy to take it!

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