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12 August – now theres a trailer available for the viva con agua charity hitch, have a look here Trailer Hitchhiking Race

31 July – Hitchwiki now has a Portuguese language version. If you speak Portuguese, you could help a bit. It's maintained by Ataqlibert.

30 June – Finally we launched a Hitchhiking Planet. It collects blog entries from various hitchhikers around the world. If you want your blog added, contact MrTweek.

5 June – We now have a Finnish hitchwiki! As, the biggest finnish hitchhiking website, went down, Mikael decided to start a Finnish wiki instead. Good luck!

8 April – We now have 1295 articles in 5 languages!

4 March – Hitchwiki now even has a Russian language version :) It will be maintained by Lnx. If you speak Russian, it would be nice if you could help a bit. And if you know Russian speakers, please help to spread the word!

26 February – The German hitchhiking club Abgefahren e.V. is organizing a hitchhiking competition through Germany and Poland from 22th–25th May 2008! For more information check out, there you can register for the trip and get the latest information! See you on the road!