Abgefahren e.V.

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Abgefahren e.V. is the official German hitchhiking club which was founded in 2006. The Club is the legal entity behind Hitchwiki.

The aim of the society/club is to improve and promote hitchhiking as a secure alternative way of traveling, in order to bring travelers and "locals" in touch and increase intercultural understanding therewith. The society is happy to support hitchhiking related projects and to function as platform for such (e.g. hitchbase; youth exchanges, seminars & trainings; conferences & gatherings; guidebooks). The society has an official non-profit status and a democratic structure.

Abgefahren e.V. annually runs a hitchhiking race since 2008.

On the website there is information for new and experienced hitchhikers, drivers as well as for the press. A blog contains hitchhiking-related news and there is one section dedicated to the hitchhiking races organized by the society.
