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3,419 bytes added, 15:27, 12 March 2021
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=== Northeast towards [[Valencia]], [[Barcelona]] ===
Get any of the entrances next to the A44 and use the direction of Lorca/ Guadix (A92 and later A91). Best thing would be to wait for someone who actually is going into that direction since the A44 crosses the A92 after 5-10 minutes. You can as well hitch directly on entry to A92. If you get a lift going only to Guadix, you can leave on a gas station just before Guadix. From there you can ask for lifts towards Baza, Lorca, Murcia. There is not much traffic there so even lift to Baza might be worth of taking. One of the next places you can get to is Puerto Lumbreras where is the highway spliting. If your driver goes to the coast you can get droped on a gas station in Puerto Lumbreras. The station is out of highway so there is a lot of local traffic but you should be able to get lift to Lorca from where you can hitchhike on one of the junctions lift to Murcia. The fastest option could be to leave on a Repsol gas station shortly after Librilla. It is the only gas station between Lorca and Murcia which is directly on the highway. On highways in south spain there are many gas stations which are out of the highways and even though they are next to the highway near to the junctions they are usualy very empty and the few cars who come there are local so you should stick always to the gas stations which are directly on the highway. From the gas station in Librilla you can hitch a lift with everyone going over Murcia in direction Elche/Alicante/Valencia. Shortly after Murcia near to town Santomera there is a nice Repsol gas station. If your driver doesn´ t go further then Elche or Alicante you should leave here and search idealy direct lift to Valencia. There are two diferent highways between Murcia and Valencia. One option is A31 from which you turn on A33 and A35. A31, A33 and A35 are autovias which means they are free so probably more drivers go this way. If you would get a lift just part of the way it will be dificult to find a good spot to hitchhike. First good station would be after la Font de Figuera. It is recomendable to wait for a lift which takes you at least there. Other option from Murcia to Valencia is to go via Alicante and then by AP7 to Valencia. On AP7 drivers need to pay toll so there is not that many cars ussually. There is a gas station between Elche and Alicante from where you could search lift to Ap7 on which there are then couple of gas stations. It is recomended to searcch lift from Santomera directly to Valencia as if you take shorter lift it is likely to get stuck somewhere. If you are on A35 and your driver goes to only Valencia and you go further north you can leave on a gas station after Alberic and Massalaves. From there you can search lift going to Sagunto or further north. IF you are on AP7 you might as well want to leave on some gas station and search lift to Sagunto. there is as well a gas station on a highway ring around Valencia which might be also good place to change cars but you should make sure that your driver is really going by this station. If you get over Valencia to Gas station shortly before Sagunto you succesfully managed to get from south spain and now it is easy. From Sagunto until Barcelona there are couple of good gas stations and it should be fairly easy to get to Barcelona. If you go towards France leave on gas station Porta de Barcelona which is positioned just few kilometres before Barcelona and is a good spot for searching lift to Girona or France.Leaving from south Spain is usually quite time taking so for the way from Granada to Barcelona you can count about 3 days on the highways. Try to never get to small gas stations out of highway.
=== East towards [[Murcia]], [[Valencia]], West towards [[Sevilla]], [[Málaga|Malaga]] ===