Difference between revisions of "Hitchwiki:Sandbox"

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Line 119: Line 119:
=Style guide=
=Style guide=
*In every chapter make the first instance of a placename [[clickable]] by using <nowiki>[[brackets]]</nowiki> even if the page doesn't exist yet. Someone might create the page later, and they won't have to come back to put in the brackets.  
*The main chapters should be formatted with a level 2 heading by putting the title between double equal signs like this: <nowiki>==Hitchhiking out==</nowiki>.
*''Street names'', names for ''bus stops'', and ''other things'' that don't need their own page get ''Italic'', by using <nowiki>''double quotation marks''</nowiki>
*Paragraphs under a main chapter should use one more equal sign than the heading they are under: <nowiki>===Going west===</nowiki>, and for deeper sections, <nowiki>====Option 1====</nowiki>.
*In every chapter make the first instance of a placename [[clickable]] by using <nowiki>[[brackets]]</nowiki> even if the page doesn't exist yet. This ensures that if the page is created later, the link will already be in place.
*Place names like ''street names'', ''bus stops'', and ''other landmarks'' that don’t need their own page should be formatted in ''italics'' by using <nowiki>''</nowiki>''double quotation marks''<nowiki>''</nowiki>.
*The first instant of the '''Pagenname''' should be '''bold'''. Use [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:FULLPAGENAME| Template]] '''<nowiki>{{FULLPAGENAME}}</nowiki> '''with '''<nowiki>'''triple quotation marks'''</nowiki>''' Don't put the pagename between <nowiki>[[brackets]]</nowiki>.
*The first instant of the '''Placename''' is bold. Use <nowiki>'''{{FULLPAGENAME}}'''</nowiki> Don't put the placename between brackets.
*The introduction doesn't fall under any chapter yet.
*Where is this city/village? '''Placename''' is a village/city in [[State]].  
*If the place has different names in other languages, enclose those names in parentheses, like this: '''Istanbul''' (Latin: '''Constantinople''', Greek: '''Byzantium''').
*Where is this city/village? '''Placename''' is a small/big village/city in [[State]].  
*It is famous for....
*It is famous for....
*It has xxx.xxx inhabitants..
*Highway X and Y run close to it/through it
*Highway X and Y run close to it/through it
*Safe the hitchhiking stuff for the next chapter
*Safe the hitchhiking stuff for the next chapter
Line 134: Line 139:
===West towards [[City X]], [[City Y]] on highway Z===
===West towards [[City X]], [[City Y]] on highway Z===
===Option 1===
===Option 1===
*Use [[template:Coords]] for the coordinates.
*Use [[template:Coords]] for the coordinates. <nowiki>{{Coords|1.12456|52.456}}</nowiki> will display as: {{Coords|1.12456|52.456}}.
*Describe how to get there.
*Describe how to get there, what bus to take.  
===Option 2, 3, 4, etc....===
===Option 2, 3, 4, etc....===
*Follow the same structure as Option 1 for other directions or options.

Latest revision as of 09:26, 26 February 2025


testing sorbs spam blacklist

oops |BW = DE/Hamburg/Hamburg



  • Germany: <rating country='de' />
  • France: <rating country='fr' />
  • Netherlands: <rating country='nl' />
  • Poland: <rating country='pl' />
  • Belgium: <rating country='be' />
  • Spain: <rating country='es' />
  • Denmark: <rating country='dk' />
  • Sweden: <rating country='se' />
  • USA: <rating country='us' />
  • UK: <rating country='uk' />
  • Russia: <rating country='ru' />
  • Ireland: <rating country='ie' />
  • Finland: <rating country='fi' />
  • Lithuania: <rating country='lt' />
  • Switzerland: <rating country='ch' />
  • Chile: <rating country='cl' />
  • Croatia: <rating country='hr' />


<categorytree />

<sharethis />



Here you can practice wiki syntax.

Try addings links, like Germany, Warsaw, or playing with lists:

ogv video tag

not working now, maybe later: File:Ile-de-France - Tramway - T2 - Citadis.ogv


<randomimage />

digihitch wiki?

RSS feeds

<rss>http://hitchwiki.org/forum/?q=rss.xml%7Ctemplate=Template:sandbox/Hitchwiki Forum RSS</rss>

[[User:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]]site, [[user talk:{{{1}}}|wikitalk]]

captcha test www.hans.de <a href='http://www.blubb.de/'>asfd</a>

Just testing TeamMG 11:54, 19 October 2007 (CEST)


...seems to work now

=== French ===
  1. Hello / Bonjour. Salut.
  2. Excuse me / Excusez-moi
  3. Do you possibly drive in the direction of ...? / Allez-vous en direction de ... ?
  4. Could I get a lift to...? / Pouvez-vous m'amener jusqu'à ... ?
  5. - a gasstation / a service area / a parking place? / along the highway / - une station service / / une aire de repos / / un parking / / le long de l'autoroute / /
  6. Is the lift free? / / I can't pay. / Le trajet est gratuit? / / Je ne peux pas payer / /
  7. Do you speak ...? / any other languages / Could you speak slower, please? Parlez-vous ...? / / une autre langue / / (Pouvez-vous parler) plus lentement, s'il vous plaît? / /
  8. yes / no / maybe / no thanks / Oui / non / peut-être / non merci
  9. That’s great / perfect / bad / no problem C'est bien / / parfait / / pas bon / / Pas de problème / /
  10. I don't understand. / I don't know. Je ne comprends pas // Je ne sais pas / /
  11. I'm going to ... / Where are you going to? Je vais à ... / / Où allez-vous? / /
  12. My name is... / What's your name? / I’m from... / Where are you from? Je m'appelle ... / / Comment vous appellez-vous ? / / Je viens de ... / / D'où venez-vous? / /
  13. I’m ... years old. / How old are you? J'ai ... ans / / Quel âge avez-vous? / /
  14. I study.... / My subjects are... / I’m in my ... year. / I will become a .... J'étudie ... / / Mes matières sont... / / Je suis en (4e,5e,6e) année / / Je veux devenir ... / /
  15. I have a boy-friend/a girl-friend. / I'm married. J'ai un petit ami/une petite amie / / Je suis marié
  16. I’m on holiday. / I visit friends in... / I'm hitchhiking around... Je suis en vacances / / Je vais voir des amis à ... / / je fais du stop autour de ... / /
  17. I will stay for... / I’m going back... Je vais rester pendant ... / / Je reviens le .../ /
  18. Don’t touch me! / Let me out! / Stop! / Help! Ne me touchez pas! / /Laissez-moi sortir! / /Stop! / / A l'aide ! / /
  19. Can you drop me off here? Pouvez-vous me déposer ici, s'il vous plaît? / /
  20. Thank you! / Have a nice day/trip! Merci! / / Bonne journée ! / / Bon voyage! / /
  21. Where can I find ...? Où puis-je trouver...?
  22. - a toilet / a supermarket / a pharmacy / a campsite - the city centre / a map - une toilette / / un supermarché / / une pharmacie / / un camping / / le centre-ville / / une carte / /
  23. - an internetcafe / a cashmachine / a bank - un cybercafé / / un distributeur de billets / / une banque / /
  24. - a metrostation / a busstation / a trainstation - une station de métro / / une station de bus / / une gare / /
  25. - the highway to ... / a good hitchhikingspot - l'autoroute pour ... / / un bon endroit pour faire du stop / /
  26. water / (herbal) tea / hot chocolate / coffee eau / / thé (aux herbes) / / chocolat chaud / / café/ /
  27. beer / (red, white) wine / juice bière / / vin (rouge, blanc) / / jus / /
  28. vegetarian / diner / bread / a cheap restaurant végétarien / / petit restaurant / /pain / / un restaurant pas cher / /
  29. Cheers! / Enjoy your meal! Bon appétit!
  30. I’m hungry / thirsty / fine / cold / hot / sick J'ai faim / / soif/ / bien / / froid / / chaud / / Je suis malade / /
  31. north / east / south / west nord/ / est / / sud / / ouest / /
  32. yesterday / today / tomorrow hier / / aujourd'hui / / demain / /
  33. zero / one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten zero / / un / / deux / / trois / / quatre / / cinq / / six / / sept / / huit / / neuf / / dix / /
  34. eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen / sixteen / seventeen / eighteen / nineteen / twenty onze / / douze/ / treize/ / quatorze/ / quinze/ / seize/ / dix-sept/ / dix-huit/ / dix-neuf/ / vingt/ /,
  35. twenty-one / thirty vingt-et-un / / trente/ /
  36. hour / day / week / month / kilometre heure/ / jour/ / semaine/ / mois / / kilomètre / /
  37. left / right / straight on / before/ after gauche/ / droite/ / tout droit / / avant / / après/ /
  38. this / next / last ce/cette/ / prochain/prochaine/ / dernier/dernière/ /
  39. often / seldom / never / long / short souvent/ / rarement/ / jamais/ / long// court//
  40. up / down / over / under en haut/ / en bas/ / dessus/ / dessous//
  41. How far is it (on foot)? / Where are we? C'est loin comment (à pied) ?/ / Où sommes-nous ?//
  42. How much does it cost? / What time is it? Combien ça coûte ?/ / Quelle heure est-il ?//
  43. We are looking for a place to sleep. Nous cherchons un endroit où dormir.//
  44. Where can we buy a ticket? Où pouvons-nous acheter un billet ?//
  45. Who? / What? / Where? / Why? / When? Qui ?/ / Quoi ?/ / Où ?/ / Pourquoi ?// Quand ?//
  46. How? / How much? / How long? / Which? Comment ?/ / Combien ?/ / combien de temps ?/ / Lequel : Laquelle ?//
=== German ===
  1. Hello - Hallo
  2. Excuse me.. - Entschuldigen Sie,...
  3. Do you possibly drive in the direction of ...? - Fahren Sie eventuell Richtung....
  4. Could I get a lift to...? - Könnten Sie mich bis ...... mitnehmen?
  5. - a gasstation / a service area / a parking place? / along the highway - - eine Tankstelle / ein Rastplatz / ein Parkplatz / entlang der Autobahn
  6. Is the lift free? / I can't pay.- Ist es umsonst? / Ich kann nicht bezahlen.
  7. Do you speak ...? / any other languages / Could you speak slower, please? - Sprechen Sie... / Andere Sprachen? / Könnten Sie etwas langsamer sprechen?
  8. yes / no / maybe / no thanks /- ja / nein / vielleicht / nein, Danke
  9. That’s great / perfect / bad / no problem - Das ist großartig / perfekt / schlecht / Kein Problem
  10. I don't understand. / I don't know.- Ich verstehe es nicht / Ich habe keine Ahnung
  11. I'm going to ... / Where are you going to?- Ich fahre nach... / Wo fahren Sie hin?
  12. My name is... / What's your name? / I’m from... / Where are you from?- Mein Name ist.... / Wie heißen Sie? / Ich komme aus... / Woher kommen Sie?
  13. I’m ... years old. / How old are you? - Ich bin .... Jahre alt. / Wie alt sind Sie?
  14. I study.... / My subjects are... / I’m in my ... year. / I will become a .... - Ich studiere... / Meine Fächer sind... / Ich bin im .... Jahr. / Ich werde später...
  15. I have a boy-friend/a girl-friend. / I'm married. - Ich habe einen Freund/eine Freundin. / Ich bin verheiratet.
  16. I’m on holiday. / I visit friends in... / I'm hitchhiking around... - Ich habe Ferien. / Ich besuche Freunde in.... / Ich trampe durch die Gegend.
  17. I will stay for... / I’m going back... - Ich bleibe für... / Ich fahre zurück am....
  18. Don’t touch me! / Let me out! / Stop! / Help! - Fassen Sie mich nicht an! / Lassen Sie mich raus! / Stop! / Hilfe!
  19. Can you drop me off here? - Können Sie mich hier raus lassen?
  20. Thank you! / Have a nice day/trip! - Vielen Dank! / Einen schönen Tag/Gute Reise noch!
  21. Where can I find ...? - Wo finde ich...
  22. - the city centre / a map - das Stadtzentrum / eine Karte
  23. - a toilet / a supermarket / a pharmacy / a campsite - eine Toilette / einen Supermarkt / eine Apotheke / einen Zeltplatz
  24. - an internetcafe / a cashmachine / a bank - ein Internetcafe / einen Bankautomaten / eine Bank
  25. - a metrostation / a busstation / a trainstation - die U-Bahn / den Busbahnhof / den Hauptbahnhof
  26. - the highway to ... / a good hitchhikingspot - die Autobahn nach... / eine gute Trampstelle
  27. water / (herbal) tea / hot chocolate / coffee - Wasser / (Kräuter) Tee / heisse Schokolade / Kaffee
  28. beer / (red, white) wine / orange juice - Bier / (Rot-, Weiss-) Wein / Orangensaft
  29. vegetarian / diner / bread / a cheap restaurant - Vegetarisch / Abendessen / Brot / ein günstiges Restaurant
  30. Cheers! / Enjoy your meal! - Prost! / Guten Appetit
  31. I’m hungry / thirsty / fine / cold / hot / sick - Ich habe Hunger! / Durst / Mir geht es gut / Mir ist kalt / Mir ist heiss / Ich bin krank
  32. north / east / south / west - Norden / Osten / Süden / Westen
  33. yesterday / today / tomorrow - gestern / heute / morgen
  34. zero / one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten - null / ein / zwei / drei / vier / fünf / sechs / sieben / acht / neun / zehn
  35. eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen / sixteen / seventeen / eighteen / nineteen / twenty - elf / zwölf / dreizehn / vierzehn / fünfzehn / sechszehn / siebzehn / achtzehn / neunzehn / zwanzig
  36. twenty-one / thirty - einundzwanzig / dreißig
  37. hour / day / week / month / kilometre - Stunde / Tag / Woche / Monat / Kilometer
  38. left / right / straight on / before/ after - links / rechts / geradeaus / vorher / nachher
  39. this / next / last / - diese / nächste / letzte
  40. often / seldom / never / long / short - oft / selten / nie / lang / kurz
  41. up / down / over / under - hoch / runter / über / unter
  42. How far is it (on foot)? / Where are we? - Wie weit ist es noch (zu Fuss)? / Wo sind wir?
  43. How much does it cost? / What time is it? - Wie viel kostet das? / Wie spät ist es?
  44. We are looking for a place to sleep. - Wir suchen einen Schlafplatz
  45. Where can we buy a ticket? - Wo können wir ein Ticket kaufen?
  46. Who? / What? / Where? / Why? / When? - Wer? / Was? / Wo? / Warum? / Wann?
  47. How? / How much? / How long? / Which? - Wie? / Wie viel? / Wie lang? / Welche?

That way, we can combine any languages to generate phrasebooks. However it's very important to keep all phrasebook synchronous.


<osm lat='49' lng='8.41' zoom='12' width='400' height='300' layer='mapnik' />

param is defined and non-empty

Does anyone know how to include a template when there are values added only? I would need this for a template in a template... --Alex 20:25, 23 July 2008 (CEST)
Does anyone know how to include a template when there are values added only? I would need this for a template in a template...


<travelmap countries='de,fr,es,au,jp,ru' width='500px' />

Live from the road




<sharethis />

Test map

<travelmap countries="af,bi,cf,td,cd,er,et,gn,lr,mm,np,rw,sl,so,ug,ye" c2="ao,ci,ge,in,id,iq,ng,pk,ps,ph,lk,sd,th,tl" width="1000" description='Low income conflict-effected states' />

Style guide

  • The main chapters should be formatted with a level 2 heading by putting the title between double equal signs like this: ==Hitchhiking out==.
  • Paragraphs under a main chapter should use one more equal sign than the heading they are under: ===Going west===, and for deeper sections, ====Option 1====.
  • In every chapter make the first instance of a placename clickable by using [[brackets]] even if the page doesn't exist yet. This ensures that if the page is created later, the link will already be in place.
  • Place names like street names, bus stops, and other landmarks that don’t need their own page should be formatted in italics by using ''double quotation marks''.
  • The first instant of the Pagenname should be bold. Use [Template] {{FULLPAGENAME}} with '''triple quotation marks''' Don't put the pagename between [[brackets]].


  • The introduction doesn't fall under any chapter yet.
  • If the place has different names in other languages, enclose those names in parentheses, like this: Istanbul (Latin: Constantinople, Greek: Byzantium).
  • Where is this city/village? Placename is a small/big village/city in State.
  • It is famous for....
  • It has xxx.xxx inhabitants..
  • Highway X and Y run close to it/through it
  • Safe the hitchhiking stuff for the next chapter

Hitchhiking out

  • Maybe some general info that isn't specific to one location. Like Most drivers only go to city X or don't go to city Y, you'll get stuck there.

West towards City X, City Y on highway Z

Option 1

  • Use template:Coords for the coordinates. {{Coords|1.12456|52.456}} will display as:

Coordinates: 1.12456, 52.456.

  • Describe how to get there, what bus to take.

Option 2, 3, 4, etc....

  • Follow the same structure as Option 1 for other directions or options.