User talk:Quarim
Hi! Your user page category has been changed to Category:Hitchhikers in Germany because from now on this (along with the old Category:Hitchhikers) will be a standard categorization for hitchhikers on (see this discussion here for the reasons of doing so). If for some reason you don't want to be categorized by country, feel free to delete country category on your page leaving only a standard Category:Hitchhikers. We hope you don't mind, though.
Happy hitching,
The hitchwiki team
World records
Created first draft, needs lots of work...
Banning spammers
IP addresses change a lot so in that case 6 months is fine, but I usually block users that spam forever. I also see that we've been getting more spammers recently. I guess hitchwiki is becoming more popular ;) guaka 12:54, 2 November 2010 (CET)
- I'm an admin on Dezhi Systems support site - if a spammer logs in from IP address aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd, I routinely block aab.bbb.*.* Might hit innocent users, but at one stage we had dozens of spammers a day, now it's down to a handful or so. Prino 16:51, 2 November 2010 (CET)
- This is an easy way to lock out a small country ;) We should not do that until it's neccessary. For now, we just had a spammer or two every other week. --MrTweek 17:34, 2 November 2010 (CET)
- same opinion, spammers ip-banning is enough, if it is getting more spammy we can think about more resoltue methods but not now. --Quarim 09:59, 3 November 2010 (CET)
Cleaning spam
Thanks for cleaning this up. I also had to clean some very similar ones on Trashwiki and Sharewiki. And then I realized I'm working on similar schemes (but less annoying to other people). So I'm actually just going to harvest these deleted articles (which are CC-BY-SA!) here and put them on my silly website about insurance (which is hopefully going to make me some money). Would be good if the spammers will read this so they have more reasons to stop what they're doing. guaka 14:04, 14 February 2011 (CET)
- Hmm, these texts were bad on too many levels (including copyscape), removed them again... guaka 14:18, 14 February 2011 (CET)
- ohh ...mmhhh guaka, i don't really understand what your talking...but yeah - you're right! :D You want to put spam on your website? how this will make you money? why the spammers will read it and why they should stop it because of that? if you need money i have a good idea, make an ebay auction to bake somebody a cake of his wishes. that works great :) (just make sure that you have a list of available cakes - so that nobody wants a cake with caviar and truffels for $25.)
More spammers
When you block a spammer and delete the crap they put up, change the "Content was:" to "External spam" or similar, don't keep any URLs visible! Prino 17:22, 8 December 2011 (CET)
- ok, good advise
New extension
If you delete spammers, use Recent Changes Cleanup to hide your changes, so that the Change Log stay neat and tidy. Prino 11:48, 27 August 2012 (CEST)