R1 (Belgium)

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The R1 is a motorway in Belgium, it is the southern part of the ring-motorway of Antwerpen.

Hitching the R1

Legend: Verygood.png (very good) | Good.png (good) | Average.png (average) | Bad.png (bad) | Senseless.png (senseless)

<map lat="51.214670103189" lng="4.4052203893471" zoom="11" float="right" width="300" height="300" />

Pfeil unten.svg

Pfeil oben.svg

Autobahn junction.png Antwerpen Noord * connection to the A1 and to the A12
Autobahn junction.png Antwerpen Oost * connection to the A13
Autobahn junction.png Antwerpen Zuid * connection to the A1 and to the A12
Autobahn junction.png Antwerpen Centrum * connection to the A112
Autobahn junction.png Antwerpen West * connection to the A14

Pfeil unten.svg

Pfeil oben.svg

Belgian motorways

