A14 (Belgium)

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<map lat="51.000702189705" lng="3.7756952047153" zoom="9" view="3" width="800" height="500" />

The A14 is a motorway in Belgium, it leads from Kortrijk to Antwerpen. In Belgium this motorway is widely known as E 17.

Legend: Verygood.png (very good) | Good.png (good) | Average.png (average) | Bad.png (bad) | Senseless.png (senseless)

Pfeil unten.svg

Pfeil oben.svg

border crossing * connection to the A22 (France)
(1) AB-AS-blau.svg Moeskroen
Autobahn junction.png Aalbeke * connection to the A17
Autobahn gasstation.png service station Marke Zuid Autobahn gasstation.png service station Marke Noord
Autobahn junction.png Kortrijk-Zuid * connection to the R8
(2) AB-AS-blau.svg Hoog Kortrijk
(3) AB-AS-blau.svg Kortrijk-Oost
Autobahn junction.png Kortrijk-Oost * connection to the R8
(4) AB-AS-blau.svg Deerlijk
(5) AB-AS-blau.svg Waregem
(6) AB-AS-blau.svg Kruishoutem
(7) AB-AS-blau.svg Deinze
Autobahn gasstation.png Autobahn Restaurant.png service station Nazareth Zuid Autobahn gasstation.png Autobahn Restaurant.png service station Nazareth Noord
(8) AB-AS-blau.svg De Pinte
Autobahn junction.png Zwijnaarde * connection to the A10
(9) AB-AS-blau.svg Gent UZ
Autobahn junction.png Gent-Centrum * connection to the B401
(10) AB-AS-blau.svg Gentbrugge
Autobahn junction.png Destelbergen * connection to the R4
(11) AB-AS-blau.svg Beervelde
Autobahn gasstation.png Autobahn Restaurant.png service station Kalken Zuid Autobahn gasstation.png Autobahn Restaurant.png service station Kalken Noord
(12) AB-AS-blau.svg Lokeren
(13) AB-AS-blau.svg Waasmunster
(14) AB-AS-blau.svg Sint-Niklaas-West
(15) AB-AS-blau.svg Sint-Niklaas Centrum
(15a) AB-AS-blau.svg Haasdonk
Autobahn gasstation.png Autobahn Restaurant.png service station Kruibeke Zuid Autobahn gasstation.png Autobahn Restaurant.png service station Kruibeke Noord
(16) AB-AS-blau.svg Kruibeke
(17) AB-AS-blau.svg Zwijndrecht
Autobahn junction.png Antwerpen-West * junction to the R1

Pfeil unten.svg

Pfeil oben.svg

Belgian motorways

