Puerto Varas
Puerto Varas is a nice town in Chile.
Hitchhiking out
North or South via Panamericana
Take any bus in direction Puerto Montt or Osorno and ask the driver to drop you, at the entrance to Ruta 5. This will only cost 300 CLP and you can hitchhike directly on the motorway. Every minute or so, there will be a bus, micro or collectivo asking to pick you up. The best way is to ignore them. Any movement or sign in their direction will make them stop.
Hitching In
The Ruta 5 passes a little far a away from a town center, so it's recommended, to ask your driver, if he wants to drop you inside the city. Otherwise you can walk like 20 minutes to the town center or take a micro for 300 CLP.
Public Transport
As usual, there is a lot of micros going from the town center to surrounding villages, but also to Puerto Montt and Osorno.
Places to Visit
- Lake Llanquihue is a giant lake, located directly in the town center. If it's not too cloudy you'll have a nice view of the Andes and the Volcano Osorno.
Accommodation and Sleep
There is a lot of tiny cheap hostels and hotels around the town center.
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