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Flag of Belgium
State: [[Liège]]
Population: 190,102
Major roads: E25, E40, E42 E46,
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Liège (Dutch: Luik; German: Lüttich) is a city in the French speaking part of Belgium.

Hitching away from Liège is said to be difficult, because of the so-called Spaghetti Motorway system. On the other hand it is not impossible to get lifts along the former transit-route of the E25 straight through the city of Liege alongside the Maas-river. Provided you are familiar which used to be the pre-motorway era transit route you can quite successfully hitch out of Liege along that transit route using a sign Lux(embourg) or Arlon heading towards the Ardennes, or a sign Vise, Maastr(icht) or NL heading north. The transit route, not marked any more by signs "transit" these days, remains the fastest way to get through Liege by car during most of the time.

Hitchhiking out

Heading North or East towards Maastricht (A25) E 25, Aachen (A3) E 42

Bus 17 from the bus station at Liege-Guillemins, or bus 18 from Leopold, until busstop Nancy. Then walk north through Avenue de Nancy and you will arrive at the A25-access lane on the corner Avenue de Nancy / Avenue Georges Truffaut. Or bus 76 from Leopold until busstop Intermosane, then cross the bridge (Pont de l'Atlas) and walk west along Avenue Georges Truffaut to the motorway access lane.

Best to use a sign Maastricht or NL. If you go towards Aachen and Köln, best is to use a sign with "Barchon", where is the first petrol station (which you could also reach by bus, see below).

Heading East towards Aachen (A3) E 42

Bus 67 from Gare Leopold direction Vise until busstop Carrefour in Barchon; this is the busstop just after crossing the A3-motorway. The ride is about 34 minutes. From the busstop walk back over the motorway (bridge), then go southeast on the N604 Champs de Tignee. After about 2 km you will find motorway petrol station Aire de Barchon on your left hand side.

Heading South for Arlon, Luxembourg (A26) E 25

Access lane of A26 x N633, situated 250 meters from the Angleur railway station. Bus 377 from the bus station at Liege-Guillemins, or bus 26 from Republique Francaise stop very nearby. Leopold, until busstop Nancy. Sign Arlon / Luxembourg is a good idea. After some 15 kms is the motorway petrol station of Sprimont.

Heading West for Leuven, Brussels (A3) E 40or Namur, Charleroi (A15) E 42

File:2011-08-02 15-54-40 53.jpg
On-ramp on Rue St. Laurent. The graffiti is misleading; please ignore it.

There are some fairly average on-ramps to the E25/A602 within walking distance of the city centre. Tom tried the on-ramp on Rue St. Laurent, which worked fine for him. The on-ramp on Jardin Jean-Bernard Lejeune (west of the tunnel, ignore the "no pedestrian" sign) is a good place, but use a fairly big and well prepared sign, because the cars are passing rather fast.

If needed, ask the driver to take you to the first service station on the road you are taking:

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