<map lat='48.569110674437155' lng='7.826728820800781' zoom='13' view='0' float='right' /> Kehl is a town near the French border, close to Strasbourg.
In Kehl you've got a big road going directly to the motorway A5 - and everyone who's coming from France is using this road. Atopia found that the second petrol station sees a lot more traffic than the first one.
User: QueerAmann I hitchhiked at the stoplight just before the tram turns right to Hochshule/Läger, with a sign Heidelberg. A lot of the cars are local traffic, licenced KEL or OG (see: german registration plates). So as soon as you find someone willing to get you a lift in your direction accept it. I was going towards the north, so I managed to get a lift to Achern, and the person left me at Serways Raststätte Renchtal Ost, I tried to ask around, and then I ended up hitching from the exit of the freeway service area.