Bari is a town in the south of Italy. It is one of the two (the other is Brindisi) ports for ferries towards Greece.
Bari to Igoumenitsa ferry info
For information on the ferry to Igoumenitsa see ferries between Italy and Greece.
Hitching Out
South towards Brindisi and Lecce
From Bari centrale take the bus number 12 to Complanare Ovest 92. Keep walking in the direction of Brindisi around Hotel Barion and you'll find a field that you can go through and get to the Eni gas station. The traffic is not amazing but there are people going further southeast.
North towards Pescara, Rimini
Take a local train (1 euro) to Modugno, from the train station walk to the north Via Sigismondo (check map), cross the SS96 slightly to the right to Via Palese. Turn left when it joins SP 54, there will be a junction - walk carefully under 2 bridges untill you reach a roundabout. On your left/back you'll see two warehouses - there is a road between them leading to a gas station. It is guarded by a really high fence and dogs, but you might be lucky to meet someone from the service to open the gate for you.
For information on the ferry to Igoumenitsa see ferries between Italy and Greece.
A park bordered by Via Carlo Collodi and Via Galetano Devitofrancesco is closed in the evening but easy to get into. The police won't bother you and it has trees for hammocks.
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