A16 (Switzerland)

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The A16 is a motorway in Switzerland, it leads from Belfort in France to Biel. Nowadays the motorway has five parts, but it will be ready in 2015.

Hitching the A16

Legend: Verygood.png (very good) | Good.png (good) | Average.png (average) | Bad.png (bad) | Senseless.png (senseless)

<map lat="47.334478649177" lng="7.1829589605115" zoom="10" width="450" height="550" float="right" />

Pfeil unten.svg

Pfeil oben.svg

(-) AB-AS-blau.svg Delle Sud
border crossing
(1) AB-AS-blau.svg Boncourt
(2) AB-AS-blau.svg Bure
connection by cantonal road
(4) AB-AS-blau.svg Porrentruy Ouest
(5) AB-AS-blau.svg Porrentruy Est
(6) AB-AS-blau.svg Courgenay
(7) AB-AS-blau.svg Saint Ursanne
(8) AB-AS-blau.svg Glovelier
(9) AB-AS-blau.svg Bassecourt
(10) AB-AS-blau.svg Delémont Ouest
(11) AB-AS-blau.svg Delémont Est
connection by national road 6
(12) AB-AS-blau.svg Rebeuvelier
(13) AB-AS-blau.svg Moutier Nord
(14) AB-AS-blau.svg Moutier Sud
connection by national road 6
(17) AB-AS-blau.svg Tavannes
(18) AB-AS-blau.svg Soncebos
(-) AB-AS-blau.svg La Heutte Ouest
(19) AB-AS-blau.svg La Heutte Est
(20) AB-AS-blau.svg Péry
(21) AB-AS-blau.svg Zone Industrielle Rondchàtel
(22) AB-AS-blau.svg Frinvillier
(23) AB-AS-blau.svg Biel Nord
(24) Autobahn junction.png Bözingenfeld  5 

Pfeil unten.svg

Pfeil oben.svg

Swiss motorways
