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1 April 2011 Voting to decide the location of the European Hitchgathering closes.

14 February 2011 - The Sunhitcher: a book about hitchhiking without money being published online.

25 January 2011 - Tramprennen: the German-based hitchhike community with an annual 2-week charity race for Viva con Agua relaunched it's website. Apart from the main-event in summer 2011 it announces a new format: the 60-hour-race on the easter weekend. Check it out:

9 January 2011 - Happy new year! Suggest your favourite location for the Hitchgathering 2011 now. The voting is going to happen soon.

15 December 2010 - Tom Thumb made a comic story about hitchhiking.

29 November 2010 - Hitchwiki maps were completely rewritten, thanks to Mikael. It's running way more smoothly now, is more usable, has some new features and a new layout. Try it out!

26 November 2010 - Hitchwiki goes social: Today hitchwiki blogs has been updated towards a community! Try it out!:

15 November 2010 - Hitchwiki has been a bit slow the past couple of months. MrTweek and guaka are tweaking some server settings to speed up Hitchwiki. If you see glitches today and possibly the rest of the week, then you know it's this.

6 November 2010 - You can now follow Hitchwiki also on Facebook