Rio de Janeiro

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Rio de Janeiro
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Flag of Brazil
State: Rio de Janeiro
Population: 6,323,037
Licence plate: RJ Rio de Janeiro
Major roads: BR-040, BR-101, BR-116, RJ-109
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Rio de Janeiro is a city in the Southeast of Brazil, a capital of the state bearing the same name.

Hitchhiking out

Southwest towards São Paulo


Pedágio Viúva Graça. From Terminal Rodoviário Coronel Américo Fontenelle which is behind the Central do Brasil (Central Train Station) and close to Metro station Central take bus 193C to Paracambi. It starts from platform D bay 07, is run by a company called Transportes Blanco and costs 8.50 reais. Get off at the first bus stop behind pedágio (toll plaza). The stop is located around 300m behind the toll booths and it's a perfect lay-by to pull in a car or truck. The bus ride to this spot takes around two hours, but you're well behind the metropolitan area of Rio, practically in the countryside. Next to the bus stop there's a restaurant and supermarket. In case of bad luck you can walk to Posto Big Dutra with Petrobras petrol station located two kilometres up the road. BR-116 is also called Presidente Dutra and is the main road connecting Rio with São Paulo. All trucks go this way, not by the coastal BR-101.


Take the bus (he took it very close to Lapa, 2.75 reals, 30min+-) to Santa Cruz (just ask some people where to take the bus, easy as bonjour), get off at the last stop of BR-101 where there is a very big supermarket called Extra, walk 200 meters down the road where there is a petrol station.

Another opinion : it is easier to get bus to Itaguay and get off in BR-101 before entering the town , it is less tricky than Santa Cruz where if you don't speak good Portuguese you can easily get lost.

Northeast towards Vitória (BR101)

In order to hitch out of Rio towards Vitória and up along the coast you need to pick up a bus from the centre or the rodoviária which takes you to Itaboraí. Even better is to get a van ride to Itaboraí and ask the van driver to leave you on the road or at the gas station near by which is very useful for picking up the initial ride.

In Itataia

Hitching in the Itataia region in the northwest part of the state is very easy, it's got a community of Europeans that will pull up even if you don't ask.

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