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French guy from Luxembourg now living in Amsterdam. Been hitchiking since I was 16, mostly exploring beautiful landscapes in France.

Personal Records

Total hitchhiking distance: Over 8,600 km

Total number of drivers: 119

Longest wait : About 6 hours at a petrol station on the A26 in Northern France desperately trying to get to Normandy, gave up, went to sleep in a field, walked to the nearby town the next morning and hitched towards Brussels.

Shortest wait: About 30 seconds

Longest Distance (24 hours): from near Quérigut in the French Pyrenees to Luxembourg City, 1050 km.

Single rides over 300 km:

  • 428 km from Quérigut to Portes-lès-Valence, France
  • 339 km from Rennes to Boulogne-Billancourt, France
  • 328 km from Saint-Julien-Puy-Lavèze to Bordeaux, France