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Brest (Belarus)

Earth > Europe > Eastern Europe > Belarus > Brest (Belarus)

Brest (bel. Брэст) (Polish: Brześć), is a city in southwestern Belarus at the border with Poland opposite the city of Terespol, where rivers Western Buh and Muсhaviec rivers meet. It is the main city of the Brest voblasć.

Brest (Belarus)
<map lat=52.1 lng=23.67 zoom=10 view=3/>
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Flag of Belarus
State: Brest voblasć
Population: 330,934 (2014)
Licence plate: 1
Major roads: M1, E30
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Hitchhiking out

The best starting point to go out of the city is the ‘Газаапарат’ (Gazaparat) bus station. This is close to the ‘Brest railway station’. You should leave the railway station to south direction by the pedestrian bridge, turn left and walk around 600m along ‘Арджанікідзе’ (Ardžanikidze) street to the ‘Газаапарат’ (Gazaparat) bus stop.

West E30 towards Siedlce, Warszawa, Poznań, Berlin

Option 1: border crossing station ‘Kozlowichy – Kukuryki’

1. Take a bus #22 ‘Газаапарат – Клейнікі’ (Gazaparat – Klejniki) and get off at the last stop, then you have to go back on the M1/E30 motorway. The border crossing station is a 4km from here.

2. Take a suburban train to ‘Высока-Літоўск’ (Vysoka-Litoŭsk) direction and get off at the second station which is called ‘Скоки’ (Skoki). The motorway is close to the station. The border crossing station is a 4,5km from here.

Option 2: border crossing station ‘Warszawski most’

1. Take a bus #1 or #1a on the ‘Газаапарат’ (Gazaparat) station. You have to go seven stops and then get off at the ‘Подсобное хозяйство’ (Podsobnoe hozjajstvo) station, go back to the crossroad and turn left to the border crossing station.

2. From trolleybus last stop 'Ardžanikidze' near the Railway Station walk ~250m along 'Kamsamolskaja' street to the stop 'Kamsamolskaja'. From here take marshrutka #1 and get off when it turns left from E30 (stop 'Cafe'). Then walk 600m along the main road (E30) to the gates and ask drivers.

North-East E30 towards Baranavičy, Minsk, Moscow, Russia

1. Take a bus #32 on the ‘Газаапарат’ (Gazaparat) station. You have to go 23 stops and then get off at the ‘Тельмы’ (Teĺmy) station. You should cross the road and walk around 300m along the motorway to a hitching spot.

2. Take a trolleybus #1 or #5 from some station in the city of center to the last stop 'Абласная бальнiца' (Ablasnaja Balnica). The easiest way to find necessary lines is central and largest street, which is called 'Маскоўская' (Maskoŭskaja). Every stop is able to take you outside the city by trolleybus #1 and #5.

South-East P17 towards Kovel, Ukraine

Administrative divisions of Belarus

Brest region • Homiel region • Hrodna region • Mahilioŭ region • Minsk (city) • Minsk region • Viciebsk region

Brest region: Baranavičy district (Baranavičy) • Biaroza district (Biaroza, Bielaaziorsk) • Brest district (Brest) • Drahičyn district (Drahičyn) • Hancavičy district (Hancavičy) • Ivacevičy district (Ivacevičy, Kosava) • Ivanava district (Ivanava) • Kamianiec district (Kamianiec, Vysokaje) • Kobryn district (Kobryn) • Liachavičy district (Liachavičy) • Luniniec district (Luniniec, Mikaševičy) • Malaryta district (Malaryta) • Pinsk district (Pinsk) • Pružany district (Pružany) • Stolin district (Davyd-Haradok, Stolin) • Žabinka district (Žabinka)

Homiel region: Akciabrski district (Akciabrski) • Brahin district (Brahin, Kamaryn) • Buda-Kašaliova district (Buda-Kašaliova) • Chojniki district (Chojniki) • Čačersk district (Čačersk) • Dobruš district (Dobruš) • Homieĺ district (Homiel) • Jeĺsk district (Jeĺsk) • Kalinkavičy district (Kalinkavičy) • Karma district (Karma) • Lieĺčycy district (Lieĺčycy) • Lojeŭ district (Lojeŭ) • Mazyr district (Mazyr) • Naroŭlia district (Naroŭlia) • Pietrykaŭ district (Pietrykaŭ) • Rahačoŭ district (Rahačoŭ) • Rečyca district (Rečyca, Vasilievičy) • Svietlahorsk district (Svietlahorsk) • Vietka district (Vietka) • Žlobin district (Žlobin) • Žytkavičy district (Turaŭ, Žytkavičy)

Hrodna region: AšmianyHrodnaLidaNavahrudakSmarhońVaŭkavysk

Mahilioŭ region: AsipovičyBabrujskBychaŭMahilioŭŠkloŭ

Minsk region: BarysaŭBierazinoDziaržynskMaladziečnaMinskSalihorskStoŭbcySluckŽodzina

Viciebsk region: BraslaŭHlybokajeLiepielNavapolackOršaPolackViciebsk