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Joined 23 April 2014
Revision as of 18:23, 17 August 2014 by AveryCee (talk | contribs)



Avery Cerulean has hitchhiked since she was 18 and is almost of the US drinking age of 21. What started out as individual trips have slowly escalated to more common occurrences. She has mostly hitchhiked in the northeast of America, through Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania, and during the summer of '14, she has ventured out into Virginia and North Carolina as well.

At the time she started hitchhiking up north, she was based out of Philadelphia. Now, she does not live anywhere, though her home base a lot of the time is Baltimore, Maryland where she occasionally goes back to help her mother who has mobility issues and occasional surgeries. She is the only person who can care for her mother that lives on the east coast, and their two small pups love having Avery around so they can go hiking.

When not staying with her mother, Avery likes to float around between visiting old friends and engaging in volunteer opportunities that will feed her and introduce her to new friends. She was in Virginia and North Carolina while farming on two homesteads through WWOOF and also volunteers with Vipassana meditation centers. She figures that she is young, she is debt-free, and she has a lot to learn. She enjoys these opportunities that give her really valuable skills, food, and shelter in exchange for her time and labor.

She does not like money, in fact, she hates it.

She is (somewhat) choosing to remain in North America for a few reasons. She doesn't like flying for environmental reasons, doesn't have the money anyways, and figures that the US is a huge country that has many different pockets of culture to explore. As much as her home country sickens her with it's governmental corruptness and obsession with progress, she is determined to use hitchhiking to loosen up the culture of fear and to dismantle personal boundaries.


The farthest distance covered in one day was about 450 mi (724 km) from Maine all the way to Philly. That morning, she met a young French guy traveling to Philadelphia as well and ended up hosting him that night before saying farewell. This is the only time she has ever hitchhiked with somebody.

Traveling as a solo female has taught her a hell of a lot about dealing with men. It has taught her how tough being a female can be as well as how easy it can be. She appreciates being a woman much more now that she has hitchhiked. She is learning the subtle powers of language at diverting attention.

Ever changing plans

She is hoping to hitchhike out west by southern route late this fall. She is hoping to find a travel companion, and if she doesn't she will embark alone once again, this time on her longest journey yet.

If you're interested in traveling west with her then feel free to send an email to taphi1234(a)hotmail(d)com


She travels with camping gear and her guitar and enjoys storytelling folk music. She is starting to write more of her own songs as well. She meditates daily, attempting to rein in a mind that still does too much of what it wants for her to trust it. She is starting to approach art and poetry by engaging in the processes of creating. She reads any book that finds a way into her hands for long enough. She is minimalistic. She is forever the neutral party and prefers instead to understand why people choose the black or white in things. She believes anyone can teach her about herself and vice versa when the other person has an open soul.