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Rzeszów is a city in southeastern Poland.


Hitchhiking out

To Ukraine you can't cross the border by foot in Korczowa, but in Medyka! In Korczowa you can wait for 3 hours because there are a lot of cars

East towards Przemyśl Lviv Ukraine (N4)

Take bus 17 or 34 from the city center until the terminus called "Lwowska szpital". When you're next to the hospital, walk straight, turn left near the big dentist centre, on the end of the hill turn right, walk past the military cemetery and the intersection with traffic lights. After that there is a big place for stopping (a PKS bus stop), where even big trucks can stop with no problems.

North towards Lublin Białystok (N19)

Take a bus number 2, 12, 14 or 31 from the city center and go until the bus stop "Lubelska Agrohurt", after the Orlen Petrol Station on the right. There is a big bus stop with place enough for a truck to stop.

South to Slovakia (N9) E 371

Take bus 3, 4, 15, 28, 30 south out of the center. Get off at the stop after the large Praktiker store (bus stop "Podkarpacka Dom Studenta". You can hitch south straight from the bus stop. In summertime, much of the traffic is staying inside of Poland, so a combination of rides may be necessary to reach the Slovak border.

North towards Radom Warsaw (N9)

Take bus 7, 8, 20, 27 or 47 from the city center until bus stop "Warszawska górka". The most preferable bus is number 8, becuase this is its final stop, so you cannot omit it. Get off, walk straight ahead for about 7 minutes up to next bus stop in Miłocin, after the crossing with the road to Bratkowice. This next bus stop belongs to the 2nd zone of Rzeszów's public transport, and some tickets controls do happen, so don't go there with your city (1st zone) ticket! The bus stop in Miłocin is a cosy space for hitching out, there are intersection and pedestrian crossing, so no car will be going really fast.

West towards Kraków Wrocław Germany (N4)

This is a bit tricky, 'cause there are many hitchhiking options here. Take bus numer 1, 22 or 26 and ride until the last intersection with traffic lights. NOW: 1. you can get off on the nearest bus stop (bus stop "Krakowska cmentarz", but it is still on the 2-lane road and the cars are passing by with big speeds, but the stop is enormous;

2. ride until the terminus ("Krakowska pętla"), get off and walk about 6 minutes ahead for the next bus stop, where the road narrows to only 1 lane (most preferable);

3. or take bus number 22 which goes to Trzciana and you can get off on the first bus stop after the village name's sign, on the top of the small hill - it's 13km away from the city and there's only 1 lane, but you have to buy a 2nd zone bus ticket to get there without any problems.

The choice is yours.